cPanel Themes, Icons, and you!
Hello everyone! There has been a lot of good feedback about newer styles (Glass) and themes (Jupiter) lacking icons. While there are certainly advantages to both types of interfaces, a large amount of the feedback we received was how much you missed the icons.
We've created case PH-16337 internally to work on adding icons to the Jupiter theme. I don't have a mockup I can share at this time, but the current plan is to have icons next to each text field as in the Paper Lantern theme.
I'll be sure to update this thread as I get more information.
Arriving on our EDGE tier in the next few weeks: alt="screencapture-frontend-jupiter-index-html-2021-12-23-15_37_35.png">75057 We also have a full set available in WHM as well. (Major surgery happening with Webmail before we can ship them there)
Love the minimalistic icon style, can't wait!0 -
Arriving on our EDGE tier in the next few weeks: alt="screencapture-frontend-jupiter-index-html-2021-12-23-15_37_35.png">75057 We also have a full set available in WHM as well. (Major surgery happening with Webmail before we can ship them there)
This is screenshot for ants? :)0 -
This is screenshot for ants? :)
Our ant friends make up an important contingent of our users, okay? ;) Lemme try the upload again here. I bet I didn't do it correctly with my reply:0 -
As an aside, we are moving away from PNG towards SVG with these icons...and anticipate swapping colors around to support your color choices via our Customization support and/or a dark mode when that arrives later this year. 0 -
Nah. Still small: 479x768 :) Good to know about SVG. 0 -
The new icons are now available on the EDGE tier (starting in v11.100.9999.106) if you'd like to get a good look at them there. To note: The icons in WHM in Build 106 are from a previous revision and will be updated to match the ones in cPanel in an upcoming EDGE release. We entertained the idea of continuing to have the group-icon appear in some small way inside each feature's icon but decided to keep it simple instead. 0 -
The new icons are now available on the EDGE tier (starting in v11.100.9999.106) if you'd like to get a good look at them there. To note: The icons in WHM in Build 106 are from a previous revision and will be updated to match the ones in cPanel in an upcoming EDGE release. We entertained the idea of continuing to have the group-icon appear in some small way inside each feature's icon but decided to keep it simple instead.
Holy cow the new Jupiter WHM interface in EDGE is hot as well, way hotter than Jupiter for CPANEL.0 -
Link to a real size screenshot: My mouse cursor has to take an Uber to go from first to third item in the menu. They are SO spread apart. I understand that whitespace is nice in UI design, but this is honestly ridiculous. Holy cow the new Jupiter WHM interface in EDGE is hot as well, way hotter than Jupiter for CPANEL.
I respectfully disagree. It's such a terrible mess from A LOT of points of view. Here's a video of it in action:0 -
I also want to throw a concern out here -- plugin icons (cloudflare, bitninja, softaculous...etc) are going to stick out like a sore thumb and break the nice design consistency you're going for, here. 0 -
I respectfully disagree. It's such a terrible mess from A LOT of points of view.
I meant the frontpage of WHM, its very stylish and clean, until you click anything, then its just awful with the blue sidebar.0 -
I would love to see a UI/UX designer from cpanel suggesting a BMW or Ford or whatever to put all dashboard icon and nav system icons without icons.You know, like, text only buttons. As long you stop fiddling with us and just give us a product that works and does not test our patience, I'm good. From perfectly fine design to a forced return of bw is pretty rude, especially after substantial price hike over the past years...So as you might guess, we love and need icons. They are there for a reason, so your brain can remember the icons and colors associated with certain functions. No, we dont have time to read the text. And we dont have time to decode the new icons without colors. And this was my opinion in a nice way. Honestly I think the idea of jupiter without icons is one of the craziest fails I have ever seen on the internet itself. Even the return of BW icons is a complete fail. 0 -
I would love to see a UI/UX designer from cpanel suggesting a BMW or Ford or whatever to put all dashboard icon and nav system icons without icons.You know, like, text only buttons. As long you stop fiddling with us and just give us a product that works and does not test our patience, I'm good. From perfectly fine design to a forced return of bw is pretty rude, especially after substantial price hike over the past years...So as you might guess, we love and need icons. They are there for a reason, so your brain can remember the icons and colors associated with certain functions. No, we dont have time to read the text. And we dont have time to decode the new icons without colors. And this was my opinion in a nice way. Honestly I think the idea of jupiter without icons is one of the craziest fails I have ever seen on the internet itself. Even the return of BW icons is a complete fail.
They already confirmed adding icons back, and its back since latest Edge version.0 -
I am afraid cPanel is really kicking the hornet nest with this theme design. Here are the comments I just got from our admin team with regards to WHM desktop use after just 1 day of use on a test server that is on Current 102.0.1 I have tried to modify the more emotion driven feedback but oh boy let me tell you it was not easy. Why move the search bar away from the main menu on a desktop setting. Why use a blue overlay effect on the entire page while searching. It serves no purpose the focus is already at the search button and the constant changes of color only distract from actual use. Why not show the left main menu the moment someone logins at WHM keeping the lay-out constant while using any features. Why hide the server load average behind a dropdown and have no option to keep it visible at all times with focus. One of the most important server stats to know should *not* be hidden. And why can't we go to the top page when clicking on the load average. Why put the version numbering at the bottom of the screen when you just created a top dropdown menu that includes the same information. That is the reverse logic of what is provided with the current load average and goes against the idea of the dropdown functionality Either put that information at the top logo and remove it from the dropdown or remove it from the bottom and just let the user view it from the dropdown Why hide the restart warning and update warning behind a ridculous small icon with a blue circle as notification instead of something that actually alerts us admins that a action is pending. Why make a menu item of password modifcation. How many times would someone actually need to modify there password from inside WHM that it warrants a shared button with the log-out function. Maybe instead force users to input there current password *before* being able to change it. Having that option on cPanel level is understandable but on WHM it is not required. Why include a top tools but not allow the actual server operators to personalize it. Just give us a option to delete this entire menu or something to manage what is shown because the actual operators of the server know far better what is useful than someone at UI/UX design. Having something as a example is fine but deciding for powerusers what they *should* consider as most important task is impossible. Even than either put some logic in the example like put Create account next to List accounts or sort it on A to Z. Why have a footer with home trademarks etc and no longer provide a changelog link on the main page which is actually something used daily. That kind of information can either be really small or behind a seperate menu button. We really doubt that any operator would actually click on a link in a server to go to the support forums for and instead just use there bookmark in the browser which is a lot faster than having to scroll down a page. As a bonus: Our UI/UX designer wanted to comment that Light house performance benchmark for mobile actually on average dropped on Accessibility factor. Bottom line is we are moving away from cPanel provided themes and instead buy a commercial theme. 0 -
I am afraid cPanel is really kicking the hornet nest with this theme design. Here are the comments I just got from our admin team with regards to WHM desktop use after just 1 day of use on a test server that is on Current 102.0.1 I have tried to modify the more emotion driven feedback but oh boy let me tell you it was not easy. Why move the search bar away from the main menu on a desktop setting. Why use a blue overlay effect on the entire page while searching. It serves no purpose the focus is already at the search button and the constant changes of color only distract from actual use. Why not show the left main menu the moment someone logins at WHM keeping the lay-out constant while using any features. Why hide the server load average behind a dropdown and have no option to keep it visible at all times with focus. One of the most important server stats to know should *not* be hidden. And why can't we go to the top page when clicking on the load average. Why put the version numbering at the bottom of the screen when you just created a top dropdown menu that includes the same information. That is the reverse logic of what is provided with the current load average and goes against the idea of the dropdown functionality Either put that information at the top logo and remove it from the dropdown or remove it from the bottom and just let the user view it from the dropdown Why hide the restart warning and update warning behind a ridculous small icon with a blue circle as notification instead of something that actually alerts us admins that a action is pending. Why make a menu item of password modifcation. How many times would someone actually need to modify there password from inside WHM that it warrants a shared button with the log-out function. Maybe instead force users to input there current password *before* being able to change it. Having that option on cPanel level is understandable but on WHM it is not required. Why include a top tools but not allow the actual server operators to personalize it. Just give us a option to delete this entire menu or something to manage what is shown because the actual operators of the server know far better what is useful than someone at UI/UX design. Having something as a example is fine but deciding for powerusers what they *should* consider as most important task is impossible. Even than either put some logic in the example like put Create account next to List accounts or sort it on A to Z. Why have a footer with home trademarks etc and no longer provide a changelog link on the main page which is actually something used daily. That kind of information can either be really small or behind a seperate menu button. We really doubt that any operator would actually click on a link in a server to go to the support forums for and instead just use there bookmark in the browser which is a lot faster than having to scroll down a page. As a bonus: Our UI/UX designer wanted to comment that Light house performance benchmark for mobile actually on average dropped on Accessibility factor. Bottom line is we are moving away from cPanel provided themes and instead buy a commercial theme.
I agree with everything said ^0 -
We just upgraded to 102. What a horrendous mess. Is Glass and Jupitor the same thing? It's not clear. How come when I look for WHM themes my only installed option is 'x', which I thought was deprecated years ago. When I try to change to any other theme nothing happens except possibly a fill-in-blank customization screen which is of no use to us. I try to provide feedback using your link and I'm forced to use a gmail address for some stupid reason. The complete layout change has pissed off every tech we have. Whoever you have that evaluates human factors has failed miserably. It's like a car manufacturer deciding to put the speedometer on the center console. You people need to fix this and stop removing themes with no notice. 0 -
We just upgraded to 102. What a horrendous mess. Is Glass and Jupiter the same thing?
Glass is a STYLE of paper_lantern, and will be gone in future versions, as paper_lantern is deprecated. Only Jupiter will be a theme going forward. Glass was a test to see how a minimalistic version of a style would look, and how people would take it into use, before making the next big theme.How come when I look for WHM themes my only installed option is 'x', which I thought was deprecated years ago. When I try to change to any other theme nothing happens except possibly a fill-in-blank customization screen which is of no use to us.
WHM 102 is still in my opinion an untested beta version of the new WHM theme, and should not be used yet. Which is why i stay on STABLE tier for production servers. The new WHM theme should not replace the old this early, at least let us have both WHM themes while its being worked on.0 -
I installed 102 to take a look and I really wasn't expecting such a mess! The new WHM theme is horrendous. Search is now on the opposite side of the screen and feels disconnected to the left-hand side menu. Server load and versions are hidden behind the drop-down menu New and old UI seems shoehorned together. If I search for 'list' - I'd expect to see 'List Accounts' as a search result! (really?!!! How the heck is this missing!) The side menu isn't visible when you log in, but appears once you click on something. Weird. The left side menu has large font, but is very skinny - So wrapping is rife - The end result is more scrolling.. Overall - Yuk. IMHO, the left menu can go completely. The search needs to be at the top and needs to filter the list as you type - reducing the number of options down. Example: I type 'List' in the search, and the main UI area reduces down to only the options that suit my search.. List Accounts List Suspended Accounts etc If I click on List Accounts, the main nav should collapse but be expandable at the top of the page. So its easy to get to. 0 -
I have a question with the CPanel team, have you perhaps thought of people with dyslexia, which is a reading disability?... As a hosting software development company, they must and must have priority above all in being inclusive for people with disabilities and giving all their support and capabilities to make life easier, people with dyslexia associate icons a lot since reading the texts is very difficult for them ... Without more to say they have to have consideration for people with this disability. 0 -
So today I got the "Paper Lantern is Deprecated" banner. I switched one account to Jupiter as a test and absolutely hated it. It burned my eyeballs! And no icons? Whoever came up with that absurd idea should be fired. I'm glad to read here that the icons are coming back. But please, oh please, DO NOT DEPRECATE PAPER LANTERN UNTIL JUPITER HAS ICONS!! That's just common sense. I will not be switching any of my servers to Jupiter until the icons return. Greg 0 -
@RicRey and @mtbwacko - the icons are present in version 102 as we did add those back. Here's a screenshot from a version 102 box: 0 -
Did you run out of ink for the icons? :D Sorry for the bad attempt at humor but it's the only way of dealing with this impending catastrophe. Most of the time, ANY icon is better than no icon, but seeing these icons makes me wonder if they are an improvement or not... 0 -
@stormy - it's always magenta isn't it? 0 -
the truth seems like a setback at the design level, far from being minimalist it looks like 2005... It is appreciated that they have placed icons in version 102, but perhaps they should allow having colored icons, that there is the option for those who like it that way. 0 -
Did you run out of ink for the icons? :D Sorry for the bad attempt at humor but it's the only way of dealing with this impending catastrophe. Most of the time, ANY icon is better than no icon, but seeing these icons makes me wonder if they are an improvement or not...
Looks like the designer is one of those wishy washy people who doesn't like colour! So boring!0 -
So today I got the "Paper Lantern is Deprecated" banner. I switched one account to Jupiter as a test and absolutely hated it. It burned my eyeballs! And no icons? Whoever came up with that absurd idea should be fired. I'm glad to read here that the icons are coming back. But please, oh please, DO NOT DEPRECATE PAPER LANTERN UNTIL JUPITER HAS ICONS!! That's just common sense. I will not be switching any of my servers to Jupiter until the icons return. Greg
I agree, total crap. We switched a few and got emails asking if we'd designed that rubbish. I was quick to point out, NO definitely not! It makes us look so unprofessional, they pleaded with us to switch back so I did and apologised! We shouldn't have to do this and I can't understand after such a long thread of feedback why this is being forced onto users.0 -
I installed 102 to take a look and I really wasn't expecting such a mess! The new WHM theme is horrendous. Search is now on the opposite side of the screen and feels disconnected to the left-hand side menu. Server load and versions are hidden behind the drop-down menu New and old UI seems shoehorned together. If I search for 'list' - I'd expect to see 'List Accounts' as a search result! (really?!!! How the heck is this missing!) The side menu isn't visible when you log in, but appears once you click on something. Weird. The left side menu has large font, but is very skinny - So wrapping is rife - The end result is more scrolling.. Overall - Yuk. IMHO, the left menu can go completely. The search needs to be at the top and needs to filter the list as you type - reducing the number of options down. Example: I type 'List' in the search, and the main UI area reduces down to only the options that suit my search.. List Accounts List Suspended Accounts etc If I click on List Accounts, the main nav should collapse but be expandable at the top of the page. So its easy to get to.
OMG, have they lost the plot. So we're going to be subjected to the same crap with WHM.. I can't believe they are doing this.0 -
@cPRex, @cPanelAdamF, It's GREAT to see the promise of Icons back on the board for Jupitar. Thank you. However, the icons you've shown so far appear to be simply a collection of lines; as a few others have commented, they're mono-tone (single colour not just black and white) and have no fill colours. Perhaps CPanel designers don't understand how the human eye works; When the human eye sees things it tries to recognise them; this is why we see so many religious faces in pieces of toast. If the human eye sees many very similar things near each other it takes much longer to establish what is what; this is why "Where's Wally (Waldo)" books can absorb kids for hours. So yes, it's great you have icons; but these "icons" are simply a few lines on a plain white background; where there are many of these together this will be slower for the human eye to find what it's looking for. The older paper Lantern Icons were EXCELLENT Because they where distinct and often even had their own background colour, helping them stand out, and they were colourful and bold. I often know what button I needed to press by finding and recognising the icon, rather than reading the word (which takes another part of the brain and is a secondary mental event after shape recognition of the icon). Let's run an example; Here is what is apparently your current icon view. I have cut out and rearranged the links so as to mix it up, so you don't get helped by habit; but with the below I want you to try and find "File Manager", see if you can quantify how long it takes you to correctly distinguish the shape of the word or the icon. There will be a slight delay on Jupitar because the human eye has to distinguish very similar looking "line" icons from each other, and verify them on closer inspection rather than on a general overview; the whole purpose of icons is for fast and swift recognition -- this is what made Windows 3.1 -- a swift and graphical user interface... To replace relatively high colour count and high visual volume icons (ie things that stand out) with collections of lines with no background is like you're putting in another language -- lots of similar lines to be decoded by the human eye and brain; just as you're doing reading this message. And look how slowly humans read. I don't want to read the menu, I want to quickly distinguish where I need to go and then to click to go there. I hope you can see which interface is more easy to read? Also, as you can see from the second image, CPanel need to make all the link text bigger. Seriously. Size it up your current calculated CSS font size is 14px; which is fine for reading paragraphs but it's too small for a menu item; understand the basic concept at work here, -- I don't want to "read" the menu; I know what I'm looking for, what I need to do is recognise the menu item to then make use of the correct ones. You need to size the font up to 16px as a standard rather than paragraph size lettering. (I have a client who works in typography and lithography within the graphic design industry (he's created the custom fonts for many worldwide brands) who would be throwing fits at cPanel's inability to distinguish paragraph content from heading links!!) Core points: (TLDR): - Icons should be colourful and be recognisable in an INSTANT. That is what Icons are for. - Icons should have their own backing colours in many instances. It further helps them to stand out from the crowd. - The whole theme interface should dare to use colours that are not white -- the menu blocks do NOT AT ALL stand out from the background colour. Do colours suddenly cost money? There are billions of distinct shades in the world, and there are 16,777,216 HEX colours available for you to use; why are you using just 3 (or generously, 5)? Seriously. - Size your text up; 14px is too small. You need to make headings 16px and style them appropriately. An example of how it could be done: 0 -
I was just about to post on another thread and decided to check out this one first. Thanks everyone above for saving me so much typing (really this could have been more). You guys rock and completely agree with you. cPanel you are thinking too much like a geek. Our user base are little old ladies, attorneys, waitresses, clerks, CEOs, shop owners of all flavors, rock bands, strippers, basically the fricking village people. Only about 10% of them are developers or techies. When they come to the cPanel interface most of them are trying to fix something or adjust something that is difficult enough for them to understand. Bright happy colors are good for their moods. It calms them and they enjoy the interface for it's ease of navigation as they look for that one icon they often use. There is a reason that UX is part of UI/UX. Trust me also when I say that as a developer, we too like some color in our lives. Please don't do this to cPanel. Keep it customizable. .... please don't ask what I think about the Solutions Page. Just don't. Ah hell. Not every package, or hosting provision has every feature cPanel provides. Not all hosting packages come with AutoSSL, some come with signed Certificates. Not all come with Wordpress Toolkit as some of us use WHMCS and auto provisioning. This sort of thing confuses our customers, makes them search for other hosts with these features, even though we have better ones, and insert here various other complaints. How about leaving the "solutions" to us hosting solutions providers, and you continue to provide a great hosting control panel which is what we pay you for, per cpu, and have for almost 20 years now. Not to mention that you are straight up hijacking our algorithmic SEO traffic; not even subtle about it. We appreciate that you try new things and that you like to think of our users. But give us first dibs on taking care of them. Thanks for listening. 0 -
I was just about to post on another thread and decided to check out this one first. Thanks everyone above for saving me so much typing (really this could have been more). You guys rock and completely agree with you. cPanel you are thinking too much like a geek. Our user base are little old ladies, attorneys, waitresses, clerks, CEOs, shop owners of all flavors, rock bands, strippers, basically the fricking village people. Only about 10% of them are developers or techies. When they come to the cPanel interface most of them are trying to fix something or adjust something that is difficult enough for them to understand. Bright happy colors are good for their moods. It calms them and they enjoy the interface for it's ease of navigation as they look for that one icon they often use. There is a reason that UX is part of UI/UX. Trust me also when I say that as a developer, we too like some color in our lives. Please don't do this to cPanel. Keep it customizable. .... please don't ask what I think about the Solutions Page. Just don't. Ah hell. Not every package, or hosting provision has every feature cPanel provides. Not all hosting packages come with AutoSSL, some come with signed Certificates. Not all come with Wordpress Toolkit as some of us use WHMCS and auto provisioning. This sort of thing confuses our customers, makes them search for other hosts with these features, even though we have better ones, and insert here various other complaints. How about leaving the "solutions" to us hosting solutions providers, and you continue to provide a great hosting control panel which is what we pay you for, per cpu, and have for almost 20 years now. Not to mention that you are straight up hijacking our algorithmic SEO traffic; not even subtle about it. We appreciate that you try new things and that you like to think of our users. But give us first dibs on taking care of them. Thanks for listening.
Exactly! And the "why is your website down" under solutions just shows how out of touch Cpanel are with this. Why oh whyyy would you want to draw attention to that? And as a developer I donlt want drag and drop buid your own site and wordpress toolkits!0 -
Can we hide the Solutions menu? 0
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