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MySQL Optimization - MySQL's maximum memory usage is dangerously high



  • cPanelAnthony
    Hello! It's hard to say for sure how you should optimize MySQL. 4GB of RAM is not a whole lot; it could depend on how many databases you have, how active each database is, what kind of queries or work is being done with each database, how large the databases are, etc... It could simply be that your server doesn't have enough RAM for the amount of work the databases are performing. With that being said, I am not a systems administrator and cannot make any promises in regards to what you need to do in order to get MySQL running smoothly. Perhaps some of the other users here will be able to offer some guidance.
  • RoseHosting
    You can lower your innodb_buffer_pool_size value, because according to your MySQL Tuner script result, your InnoDB data size is only around 16MB.
  • devil2580
    Hi Hope you are doing well Please check the bellow link for this problem : Help with MySQL's maximum memory usage which is dangerously high. Feel free to contact us more support.

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