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CPANEL-40668 - Case sensitivity for usernames in webmail password reset



  • keat63
    A great question, one which deserves looking at in detail, so I'd like to bounce . Why would cpanel convert Abc to p-9. Clearly something isn't right. if the Cpanel guys don't come back with an answer, maybe a support request might be in order.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I *think* this has come up recently. Let me see if I can find a case...
  • LoadFactor
    Why would cpanel convert Abc to p-9. Clearly something isn't right.

    It's a security thing. Since the provided email [incorrectly] doesn't match a valid email, cPanel is providing a bogus hint. It's basically random. That way someone phishing for a valid address gains no information from the attempt.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I didn't find an existing case so I created CPANEL-40668 with our developers to address the case-sensitivity issue. Thanks for bringing this up!

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