Mounted drive backup issue
I have mounted the drive using s3fs-fuse and it successfully mounted but the backup is not copying/transporting in the mounted drive I have tried 2 methods.
1st: Enable mount option in cpanel backup configuration
result the backup creation is failed
2nd: add a Additional Destinations as a local directory.
result backup created successfully but not transported to the additional directory.
Please help me.
Are you able to read/write from the mounted folder? Have a look at the backups log: /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup 0 -
Yes the mounted drive is a read/write able directory and i am getting this error when i have enabled (Mount Backup Drive as Needed) this in the backup configuration. *********** ERROR *********** [2022-07-20 11:00:35 +0500] info [backup] Final state is Backup::Failure (0) [2022-07-20 11:00:35 +0500] info [backup] Sent Backup::Failure notification. 0 -
What is before this error? Could you paste more snippet of the log file? 0 -
Thank you for your reply. I just disable the ( Mount Backup Drive as Needed ) form backup configuration and add the mounted drive as a local Additional Destinations and then run the backup command and the backup is now successfully transported to the mounted directory. 0 -
Well done, I'm happy that did the trick :) enjoy 0
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