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Time difference in WHM reports



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Just to confirm, your system time is set to a specific timezone, as confirmed by the "date" command, but you're seeing data in /var/log/exim_maillog that doesn't match that time?
  • Mise
    date and logs files shows the right time: date: 2022-08-26 06:39:34 it is the WHM interface which shows wrong time: WHM > Email > Mail Delivery Reports 2022-08-26 04:39:34 1oRMRi-00...... Also it happens with the automatic emails sent by WHM Backup service. I have tried with the Sync Time option inside WHM -> Config Server -> Time server, although no success. My system has the Time Zone +2 hours. It seems the WHM interface is not getting the configured system date. This happens in a new recent server; if this can add some useful information thanks for any help!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That's odd for sure, and I can't reproduce this on a few test machines I checked. Could you open a ticket with our team so we can examine this directly on your system?
  • Mise
    it's solved. After some time without finding the reason I looked to the browser behaviour, and one chrome extension was interfering with the timezone loaded in WHM About the backup notification emails, I was reading in the this boad UTC is used by cpanel access logs and others system logs. Then the difference of 2 hours is that of the UTC. Then problem solved. Thanks anyway!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad it turned out to be a non-cPanel issue!

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