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How can I set the URL temporarily for a new account ?



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! There is no such domain on the system. Your best option would be option 1 where you used "" but you'd need to edit your local computer's hosts file to point the address to your server to test the site. Additional details on that can be found here:
  • MyGo
    Thank a lot,cPRex, so if I dont want to go local it would be the best to have a not used (dummy) domain for installing WP. Will it possible to exchange that domain for the new account with the desired one without any prolems after migrating and checking the WP installation ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    In general, it's best to just start with the real domain. It's not nearly as easy to switch out the domain on a WordPress installation since the domain gets written to many configuration files, as well as various places in the WordPress database.

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