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System update error - 404 mirror not found



  • ServerHealers
    I looks like the repo mentioned in that error is now online, and should be working fine there. I'd run an UPCP manually on the server and see how things goes at this time. For instruction on how to update cPanel/packages manually, please visit this article -
  • TechBill
    Can anyone help me with this one please?
  • cPanelWilliam
    Hi! The repository error from your first reply appears to come from a custom unified layer repository. When I check the repository manually, it does not appear to contain the file your server is trying to download. If you don't need this custom repository, you can try disabling it and then running a yum update to see if the 404 errors are resolved. You can find the steps for disabling a repository in the following support article:
  • TechBill
    Hi! The repository error from your first reply appears to come from a custom unified layer repository. When I check the repository manually, it does not appear to contain the file your server is trying to download. If you don't need this custom repository, you can try disabling it and then running a yum update to see if the 404 errors are resolved. You can find the steps for disabling a repository in the following support article:
  • TechBill
    Looking for outdated services " Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, universal-hooks Cleaning repos: EA4 cpanel-addons-production-feed cpanel-plugins : UL_paper_lantern_themes Webmin base epel extras forensics : forensics-splunk hgdedi imunify360 mysql-connectors-community : mysql-tools-community mysql57-community ul ul_auto ul_bluehost : updates Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors Other repos take up 1.1 M of disk space (use --verbose for details) The system did not find any outdated services.

    I re-ran the update again after this and seems to have done the update without errors .. I assume this script was to remove old repos? Thank you
  • cPanelWilliam
    Hi, Based on the output you provided from /scripts/find_outdated_services
    , it appears the original error during the update was temporary, as there was no error in the output you provided. [QUOTE]I re-ran the update again after this and seems to have done the update without errors .. I assume this script was to remove old repos?
    The script I provided runs automatically during cPanel updates. Its purpose is to check all services on the system to determine whether they need to be restarted. The "Failed to check whether active services are up-to-date" error usually comes up when this script runs during updates, so I wanted to see if running it manually would provide more information about the error. Since the error didn't re-occur, it was either a temporary issue or has been fixed.

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