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Security Advisor Notification



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I understand where it is coming from, I just wanted to see what happens when you manually call it on the command line.

  • Jihad Abou-Saleh

    Last login: Thu May 2 08:40:53 2024 from
    [root@london ~]# /usr/bin/needs-restarting
    This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
    [root@london ~]#

    Entire post is related to the security advisor, so should run as expected within the security advisor to benefit from the auto daily check

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Could you please submit a ticket so our team can take a look?

  • Jihad Abou-Saleh


  • Jeff Shields

    I get the same message in the security advisor


    however, when I run it from the terminal, is says file not found. It is currently located at


    I am running cpanel 120.0.5, cloudlinux 9

    This i a brand new install and all account migrated today.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Jeff Shields - it should be a symlink on the system:

    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     22 Dec 15 09:47  needs-restarting -> /usr/libexec/dnf-utils
  • Jeff Shields

    I am on a newly build server with cpanel 120.0.8, Cloudlnux 9, and I still get the message

    """Failed to check whether running executables are up-to-date: The system received unexpected output from “/usr/bin/needs-restarting”: This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server."""

    both in the Security advisor and when run from SSH. Cloudlinux was purchased from them.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'd submit a ticket to either us or CloudLinux so we can check that out.

  • AzeDK

    its the same issue with cPanel/WHM 122.0.2 fresh install with CloudLinux 8.10

  • consultant

    WHM 120 - Same issue.  Almalinux 8


  • consultant

    This false positive is still a bug.  Here's my conversation just a few days ago with Cpanel.  As you can see, they sort of at first side stepped admitting there is no current solution until I pointed out this shouldn't happen in the first place.


    "The notifications can be false positives, but to confirm if any processes need to be restarted, you can run the script manually. I have run the needs-restarting script and no output was provided, which indicates no processes need to be restarted. If you want to disable these notifications, you can manage them within the Contact Manager in WHM by following the instructions in the following article."



    False positive?  How can false positives be prevented?

    You seem to be suggesting the solution to the problem is to turn off this specific notification.  But would there not be a chance sometimes this notification would not be a false positive and require action? If so, it seems turning off the notification would not be a good practice?  

    In that case does this mean every time I receive this notification I need to go manually run needs-restarting to verify whether or not it is a false positive?  This seems like it should be unnecessary don't you agree?"


    "Thank you for the reply. You are correct, the best option is for the false positives to not trigger these notices, so what I have done is linked this ticket to the case CPANEL-42350 for our dev team to review. Unfortunately, I do not have a time frame to provide on this issue however, the issue has been passed along.
    For now as a temporary measure, you can disable the notifications or manually run the command to confirm if any processes require a restart."


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for sharing that - I did add some of my own details on the case and linked the developers to this Forums post.

  • spaceman

    fyi I'm having a play with WPSquared:

    CloudLinux 8.10.0 WP2 KVM
    cPanel 124.1.5

    When I run Security Advisor in WHM for WP Squared, I also see: 

    Failed to check whether running executables are up-to-date: The system received unexpected output from “/usr/bin/needs-restarting”: This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.

    When I run /usr/bin/needs-restarting at the terminal, I just get back:

    This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server
    Failed to read PID 4094's smaps.

    If I run the command again, I get a different PID, e.g.

    Failed to read PID 4114's smaps.

    I would like this Security Advisor warning to be resolved too.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    spaceman - thanks for the heads up - I've let the team know it's happening there as well!

  • BlueSteam

    I really cannot believe cPanel hasn't resolved this. I get this message every week. I then manually run the /usr/bin/needs-restarting from the command line and all I see is this:

    [root@******* ~]# /usr/bin/needs-restarting
    This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
    Waiting for process with pid 282191 to finish.
    [root@******* ~]#

    Its actually unacceptable that this has been an issue for such a long time without resolution. We pay a LOT of money for cPanel now.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    BlueSteam - I agree this is a frustrating issue for sure.  I do know it's being worked on, but I still don't have any specific timeframe for when this will be resolved.  I did reach out to the team again today and let them know there are still users reporting this issue.


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