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Wordpress Toolkit, executable wpt-panopticon



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! I reached out to the WordPress Toolkit team and the let me know this is an experimental utility that runs certain WordPress Toolkit calls without using the "sudo" command. However, they are very interested in taking a look at this. Could you please create a support ticket so we can pass that over to the WordPress Toolkit team?
  • Intekhab
    Getting the same with LFD Resource: Virtual Memory Size Exceeded: 1057 > 1024 (MB) Executable: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/bin/wpt-panopticon Command Line: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/bin/wpt-panopticon -user user -operation run-wp-cli -work-dir /home/user/public_html -php-max-execution-time 300 -- plugin update js_composer --format=json --skip-plugins=false --skip-themes=false PID: 2415708 (Parent PID:2415707) Killed: Yes added to csf.pignore
  • jigster
    Same issue here
  • marcuszan
    Hey there! I reached out to the WordPress Toolkit team and the let me know this is an experimental utility that runs certain WordPress Toolkit calls without using the "sudo" command. However, they are very interested in taking a look at this. Could you please create a support ticket so we can pass that over to the WordPress Toolkit team?

    will do, thanks
  • inveress
    Same issue here, started fairly recently. I seem to get one warning per cpanel account.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @marcuszan - can you let me know the ticket number once you've had a chance to create that?
  • marcuszan
    @marcuszan - can you let me know the ticket number once you've had a chance to create that?

    94521604 It is marked solved now, I don't know why
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    It shows that you clicked the "solved" button on your side when I check the ticket log. I'll adjust that on my end so one of our analysts can continue working with you through the ticket.
  • kcroy
    Experiencing this issue as well. Should I open a ticket, or wait to hear back from OP, and solution provided to him?
  • Lolfust
    Facing same issue since few days, should we open ticket too?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    We've been a bit busy the last day, but we'll be getting OP's ticket over to the WordPress Toolkit team soon.
  • grindlay
    My Inbox has been chock full all week of LFD alerts generated by /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/bin/wpt-panopticon I'm reluctant to add it to my ignore list until I know what it's doing, why and (most importantly) how I disable it for excessive resource consumption. Can you give the WP Toolkit team a nudge please. Thanks
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    At this point we're waiting on the OP to approve the work that WPT would like to perform on the server. @marcuszan - have you had a chance to check the ticket?
  • webtechqld
    I've had this query run on my server two days now - yesterday and today, for what seems like once per account. I'm curious about it bcause there is nothing on Google. My inclincation is to disable wp-toolkit. Should I be doing that?
  • marcuszan
    At this point we're waiting on the OP to approve the work that WPT would like to perform on the server. @marcuszan - have you had a chance to check the ticket?

    Hi, yes. I gave cPanel support SSH access to my server. They took a look and asked me to provide additional SSH access to the WPT team . I was also asked to give permission to them to perfom some tests on my server, restart services and create Wordpress instances to do some testing. For me this is not a good option. I don't want to give SSH access to another third party ( WPT is developed by Plesk as I understood ), so they can do some testing that I have no control of, on my production server. As the issue seems to happen on more servers than only mine, I would prefer the WPT ( Plesk ) team would use a test setup. Sorry I can't help anymore on this right now.
  • rjodwyer
    Also seeing this, given how widespread this is can't WPT just undo whatever change was pushed recently to cause this higher memory usage? If its an experimental feature why are we seeing this in our production environments?
  • billy_the_kid
    Same issue here, started recently. It seems I get one warning per cpanel account. Has this been solved somehow? Thanks!
  • kcroy
    @cPRex as OP will not provide the required access to troubleshoot. What is our next step here?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I spoke with the WPT team and they are going to disable this feature on all WPT installs until more testing has been done.
  • kcroy
    @cPRex How should we proceed with our current installations? I don't think I use wp-toolkit at all, unless it is happening in the background with our WP installs. ( We install them manually, and don't use an "Installer". Once this is fixed will it upgrade automatically in the background? Is this something I should disable in cpanel?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you aren't using WordPress Toolkit, you don't need to do anything. If you are using WordPress Toolkit, you still wouldn't need to do anything as the update would happen automatically in the background.
  • WorkinOnIt
    I am also getting hundreds of emails per day across all servers - still getting them, so this has not been rolled back (can we do a manual update / rollback from 106.0.13 / WP Toolkit version: 6.0.1-6888 to stop it ?) Honestly, it makes me angry that developers have not tested their software thoroughly enough. I appreciate the free software, but come on, please be more professional in your testing. This is not the first time we've had issues with WPtoolkit. And Cpanel should be taking some responsibility to verify this software is not causing issues. But I am pleased to see something is being done to address it, so I am calm again now ;-)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @WorkinOnIt - I don't think they have rolled back the change just yet.
  • Qadisha
    Hi @cPRex, do you have any update about this? The issue has not been solved yet and this is impacting the overall performance and user experience. Antonino
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I've reached out to the WPT team and I'll let you know what they say!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm expecting to hear back from them tomorrow and I'll be sure to post an update when I do.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @Qadisha - you can run edit /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/var/etc/config.ini and change "isCpanelPanopticonEnabled" to false if that tool is causing issues on your machine.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I've confirmed with the team and my own testing, that it is disabled on new installs. If you see the tool running, you can edit the above file to ensure that is disabled, or you can create that file if necessary and add that flag.
  • kcroy
    I've confirmed with the team and my own testing, that it is disabled on new installs. If you see the tool running, you can edit the above file to ensure that is disabled, or you can create that file if necessary and add that flag.

    Can you please clarify what action needs to be taken for EXISTING installs?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You would need to adjust /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/wp-toolkit/var/etc/config.ini as mentioned if you see the process running and it is causing issues.

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