dropbox access token expire, backup solution not possible
Hi there,
I setup dropbox destination for my backups according to this blog post: [401] {"error_summary": "expired_access_token/.", "error": {".tag": "expired_access_token"}} at /usr/local/share/perl5/WebService/Dropbox.pm line 184.
And this is what dropox says about it:
Hey there! This is expected behavior with the new Dropbox system since they have moved to "refresh tokens." There are some additional details on how JetBackup handled that here: however, I don't have a way to get the normal cPanel backups working with this new system on my end. 0 -
Thanks, I'll give it a shot. If I get it to work I'll let you know. 0 -
Hi, so I was looking into this. We are not using JetBackup. You also said that you don't have a way to get normal cPanel bakcups working with this? We are using the regular WHM Backup Configuration. Does that mean we won't be able to get the backups stored on dropbox anymore? Unless we buy a JetBackup plan? We were trying to use the regular custom destination from WHM Backup Configuration. Thanks, Tino 0 -
Also do you know if there might be a way to connect to dropbox using sFTP or FTP? That might be a solution. What about the other custom destinations like Google Drive, Amazon S3, Blackblaze etc... are those acutally working fine? Which one is easiset to use? Thank you, Tino 0 -
Yes, this issue only affects the Dropbox method, since they have changed the security settings on their end. All other methods are working normally. Because of this security setting, I am not aware of a way to connect to Dropbox using another method. 0 -
Ok thanks, we're looking into the other options. Best, Tino 0
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