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The remote MySQL dump failed because of an error (WebSocket 1011, ryrm95)



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Are you able to manually dump the database on the remote server? That would be the first thing I would try, because it seems the dump process itself is where the errors begin.
  • hostdonner
    Thanks very much for your reply, cPRex. Yes, I was able to dumb the databases manually, but when transferring so many accounts, some of which were more than 1GB, that was not an option for me. I've contacted the cPanel Tech support, and they were very helpful. For future visitors of this topic, the problem was with the low limits of 'net_read_timeout' and 'net_write_timeout', and by editing them on the source server, the transfer of the databases finished successfully without any errors.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad we could help with that issue!
  • rafael.martinez
    Hello, I am having the same problem I am trying to transfer a user to a new server but I am getting the error: The MySQL restore process exited with the error "255". What would be the values for net_read_timeout ' and ' net_write_timeout and be able to transfer those users with their respective databases.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @rafael.martinez - those values aren't specified in /etc/my.cnf by default. However, they are set internall in MySQL to 30 and 60, respectively: [root@host ~]# mysql -e "show variables;" | grep net_read net_read_timeout 30 [root@host ~]# mysql -e "show variables;" | grep net_write net_write_timeout 60 You can add those values to the /etc/my.cnf file to change those settings. Just make sure to restart the MySQL service after making that change.

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