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CPANEL-42511 - email exim defer ( R=virtual_user T=dovecot_virtual_delivery defer (-1))



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! What do you see if you run this command on the system? exigrep 1pZ4D5-000VWw-2c /var/log/exim_mainlog
    Does that happen to be high load on the system at this time?
  • ilyasjaelani
    Hi, here is the full log of another email with the same case.
  • phil99
    We have seen a few cases like this recently. I cannot be sure, but I think they started after the upgrade to WHM 108 with exim v4.96. As the log entry in the original post shows, there is a malformed email address in the headers, or at least one that exim considers malformed. Similar to that email, we have seen addressess like: "''"
    The single quotation marks inside the double quotation marks are what exim doesn't like and causes the error message, such as rewrite: malformed address: '> may not follow "''"
    There have possibly been other reasons for exim considering addresses malformed, but I have not studied these yet. The log entries in the second post do not appear to have been caused by single quotation marks. It appears as though exim's parsing of addresses may have changed at some point. Whether this is a bug or correct behavior I don't know.
  • cristianm
    I have the same issue that start with the last upgrade...
  • R4 Datacenter
    I have four servers. Three of them are running cPanel/WHM 108.0.14. In these servers I have the same issue. One of them is running cPanel/WHM 106.0.18. In this server I don't see the error message ( rewrite: malformed address: ) . I noticed that this happens only to our customes using 3rd party softwares ( like ERP's ). When sending messages from webmail and standard mail softwares, like Microsoft Outlook ou Mozila Thunderbird, the e-mail account is working perfectly.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    The closest thing I can find is this:
  • phil99
    Hi, I have created ticket #94632079.
  • ilyasjaelani
    Hi, I have also created a ticket and the cpanel team has provided suggestions below: [QUOTE] We do have an internal case on the issue with case ID CPANEL-42511. While I do not have an ETA of resolution on the case, I encourage you to follow this support article in order to receive updates on it: Section 3.6.3 of RFC5322 does not appear to be widely enforced, and was not enforced by cPanel's implementation of Exim previously. Current workaround are:
    • Update mailing scripts and email clients to separate recipient addresses with commas instead of semi-colons.
    • Disable WHM -> Exim Configuration Manager -> "EXPERIMENTAL: Rewrite From: header to match actual sender.

  • phil99
    Thanks ilyasjaelani. We have disabled the "EXPERIMENTAL: Rewrite" setting for now. The default is "disable", but it was set to "all", though we don't remember explicitly enabling it.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad we could get a case open with our developers about this issue. I'm following along with this now and I'll be sure to share any updates I hear.
  • R4 Datacenter
    Thank you ilyasjaelani. Just to let you know, we've disabled "EXPERIMENTAL: Rewrite From: header to match actual sender" as you suggested and the message "rewrite: malformed address:" is not occurring anymore.
  • hostingmundial
    Hello, We have the same issue and it started happening since cpanel upgrade to v108. We had to disable "EXPERIMENTAL: Rewrite From" even though it was very useful in the past, but now it's causing occasionally delivery problems from legitimate emails. Is there an internal case working on ways to fix this?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @hostingmundial - the case number is in the title of this thread.
  • bellwood
    @cPRex, could we have an update here? Also, please note that the case link shared by @ilyasjaelani is not public.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I've poked the team again to let them know there is still interest in this, but I don't see any updates on my end. We do require users to sign in to view articles linked to cases. That way they can stay up-to-date if they choose to follow along.
  • hostingmundial
    Hello, Is this really "In Progress" ? This feature was useful to unmask phishing. We're still waiting for a fix to enable it again. Thank you
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @hostingmundial - "In Progress" means there's a case open with our development team that I'm monitoring. As of right now, I don't have any updates to share.
  • Arturs
    Good day, any updates on this case?
    @hostingmundial - "In Progress" means there's a case open with our development team that I'm monitoring. As of right now, I don't have any updates to share.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I did speak with the email team about this just this morning. They are still aware it is an issue and it has been assigned to a team, but apparently there are a lot of other things that need to happen before this can be resolved. So it hasn't been forgotten, but it's not something that will be fixed quickly as it will be part of a larger rework of that area of code.

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