The filesystem /tmp mounted at /tmp reached critical status because you currently use 100%
This problem recently started developing.
The /tmp folder becomes full and it causes my server to stop working or cause issues. For example I'm unable to create a post on wordpress.
If i delete everything in the /tmp folder and restart apache & mysql. Then everything works again. The problem then is every 24 hours the /tmp folder becomes full and i have to delete the /tmp folder again.
This has never happened in the past. It's a recent problem.
This is a screenshot of the /tmp folder
This is a screenshot of the disk usage full email
How can i troubleshoot & fix this problem?
The #sql-temptable are temporary tables created by MySQL. You'll need to track down what's creating those large files to solve your issue. The fun part is tracking it down. You'll need to be able to catch it while the table is being created and then look at the MySQL process list to see what user is creating them. It should be safe to delete all the #sql-temptable* as they are only temporary tables. 0 -
It could be a number of things other than "create temporary table". Aggregates (things like count, etc.) can cause MySQL to automatically/internally create a temp table to calculate the results. 0 -
That will not fix the underlying issue, though. It will only increase the time it takes for the /tmp partion to run out of space.
But, it will provide you with more time to find and fix the underlying issue.0 -
tmpwatch also just clears the data, and doesn't find the database issue. 0 -
I found out which user and script it is. It's the software called "xenforo" If i restart the server without deleting those #sqltemptable files. Xenforo starts working again and the #sqltemptable fiiles disappear. I didn't have to delete them. But it all restarts every 24 hours again. I will keep searching to see why it's doing that. 0 -
xenforo is forum software. You/your client may be able to search the xenforo site/support/forum to see if anyone else is having similar issues. 0
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