Some strange issues with PHP during the last 24 hours 5th Jul 2023
I am not sure if anyone has experienced this, or has any insight.
I look after some websites with various providers using cPanel. The last 24 hours quite a few websites have reported problems. What i found is two things while the
while loggin in to cPanel.
1. All accounts had been configured to use CloudLinux Selector. They have all been reset to now use cPanel Multi PHP Manager and not CloudLinux PHP Selector. Causing WordPress firewall to break. Is this something a CloudLinux update may have caused, or a cPanel update? not sure. I had to go into each account and reset.
1. The popup to Allow/Deny cPanel Interface Analytics has re-appeared when you login. I thought this was a one-time popup and although previously set to Deny, it seems this has been reset now?.
Any thoughts, much appreciated
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