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CPANEL-43082 - v112 WHM: issue with the left pane scroll bar



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Can you let me know which browser you're using so I can test this? I'm not seeing this in Chrome as that shows the scroll bar for me at all times, and Firefox doesn't show the scroll bar at all. Once I have more details I can do some additional testing on this.
  • KJ
    Firefox latest version. Excuse me, forgot to mention it.
  • vacancy
    Yes. I am having this problem in Firefox browser. Version 115.0.2
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Are there any additional plugins or settings in either of your browsers? I'm not able to reproduce this one on a test system as firefox doesn't show the scroll bar at all.
  • KJ
    Highly doubt any of the extensions used creates the issue. Disabled all of them, then opened a private window and tested it. Same situation. In terms of settings, all are pretty normal, almost all the same as a fresh installation of Firefox. Windows 11 is being used. Tried it on multiple locations and desktops/laptops. Been using Firefox almost as long as we use cPanel (more than a decade). Should we do Google the favor and change to Chrome? :)
  • vacancy
    Are there any additional plugins or settings in either of your browsers? I'm not able to reproduce this one on a test system as firefox doesn't show the scroll bar at all.

    I'm using indicateTLS and ublock origin plugins and the problem persists when I disable the plugins. And the problem does not exist in versions 110 and below, version 112 has this problem. Cpanel must have gone through a ui change.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I am able to reproduce this in Firefox on a Windows system. I'm talking to the team now and I'll let you know what I find out.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    The developers had me create case CPANEL-43082 so they can look into this. I provided these, and other screenshots as well to clarify the issue. I'll be sure to post back once I hear an update.
  • KJ
    Thank you! :)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Sure thing!
  • vacancy
    Sure thing!

    Is there any eta regarding this case, rex?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I just checked the case and I don't see any recent updates there. I did reach out to the head of the UI team so he is aware that this is still an issue.
  • nootkan

    I am also having this issue in Chrome - Version 121.0.6167.140 (Official Build) (64-bit) when using my laptop.  Makes if difficult to move around with out it.  Any updates on the progress of this issue?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I don't see that there have been any updates to this case just yet.

  • Well Dressed Walrus

    We are now experiencing this issue too, as of today in Chrome.

  • Nimesh Patel

    On WHM latest version still issue 

    Running on latest chrome browser Version 126.0.6478.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    But still whm not showing scrollbar

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Nimesh Patel - I've added your feedback to the list for our developers.

  • Chris Danks

    I have this issue too on both chrome and edge

    both showing no updates available as i'm using the latest.

    OS: Windows 11

  • Isaiah

    What's causing the problem is the developers seemed to have matched the scroll color CSS with the background leaving it to blend in completely.

    .navlist-container {
        font-size: 15px;
        line-height: 1.5;
        overflow-y: auto;
        scrollbar-color: #cdcdcd rgba(var(--cp-tertiary-rgb, 32, 38, 84), 0.1); // Remove This Code Fully

  • PeteS

    cPRex For such an ANNOYING *bug* with such a SIMPLE fix... why hasn't this been fixed? It makes me mad EVERY time I use WHM!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    While I can't give an ETA, I can confirm it's being actively worked on at this time.  While it may seem simple on the surface, there has actually been a lot of development work happening as this seems to be tied in to multiple areas of the interface, so they are being very careful in their testing of this issue.  I'm getting updates almost daily about different things happening with this case on my end, but not official fix just yet.


  • PeteS

    cPRex Ok, but one+ years, and 4 versions later?

    As Unnamed User pointed out a couple posts up, removing the scrollbar-color declaration is good enough. That or change the color - even if it makes something else hot pink, at least we can see the scrollbar! Here's the workaround I've been using...

    Install this browser extension and set

    :root {
        --cp-tertiary-rgb: x32,38,84;

    and you can see the scrollbar!

    Note: It's "breaking" the declaration with the "x", since overrides for it or .navlist-container are not easily accomplished.

  • Adam Wien cPanel Staff

    Hey Folks,

    We've created a build that addresses this issue. Would anyone like to test it before we merge it into the product?


    Adam Wien

    Product Manager (cPanel & WHM)

  • Chris Danks

    Sure we can.

    We are currently on build 124.0.10 RELEASE.  How do we test?

  • vacancy

    The problem persists in version 124.0.10.

  • PeteS

    Hi Adam Wien! Yes, I'd be glad to test it out. Is it in Edge, or what?

  • Adam Wien cPanel Staff

    You'll need a test server; this is NOT production code and should NOT be used on a production server. If you upgrade from version 11.124 you will NOT be able to downgrade back. 

    The build number is 11.125.9038.0, it has been published to Once you have your test server setup, you'll need to perform the following tasks.

    1. Update /etc/cpupdate.conf to include CPANEL=11.125.9038.0
    2. Update /etc/cpsources.conf to include
    3. Enable Development Keys as described here: Download Security | cPanel & WHM Documentation


  • PeteS

    I must be getting something wrong. I edited cpupdate.conf, but when I run Update to Latest Version the log shows it trying to find 11.125.9038.0 at instead of! So it fails to update.

    Also, after either running that, or after visiting the Update Preferences page, the line is removed from cpupdate.conf!

    Update Preferences shows the dev build as selected, and up above it shows:

     cPanel & WHM Version

    Installed Version: 124.0.10 

    Update From: 
    Current Tier: 11.125.9038.0

    What am I missing?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Adam Wien - got any thoughts on that?

  • PeteS

    Please lmk how to proceed...


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