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Looking Up A Case To Get Status



  • Amiga500
    I was just wondering if there was any kind of ETA for CPANEL-40730? I see that this was submitted over a year ago. This is a rather important feature that is broken and I am surprised it hasn't been fixed yet. Did they forget about it? :)
  • cPanelWilliam
    Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA on when the case will be fixed, but I see our developers updated it a few weeks ago, so I know they have not forgotten about it. I do apologize, as I understand the ability to request password resets for webmail accounts can be crucial. As a workaround, I would suggest using the Email Accounts interface in cPanel to perform password resets (cPanel > Email Accounts > Manage).
  • JDStallings

    I am unable to find anything on HB-7577.  Where do I find if this has been resolved?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    JDStallings - you can follow along with for an update as we'll publish one once we have more details.


  • JDStallings

    Thank you so much cPRex.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  Have a great weekend.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I hope so too, and you as well!

  • cPanelWilliam
    Hey! You can enter the cPanel Case ID in the search bar for our

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