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Litespeed Server End Optimization Tips



  • ffeingol
    You really don't have to optimize much normally with LiteSpeed. If your sites are running WordPress, I'd highly suggest the LSWS cache for WordPress.
  • Sujoy Dhar
    You really don't have to optimize much normally with LiteSpeed. If your sites are running WordPress, I'd highly suggest the LSWS cache for WordPress.

    but for PHP application ? Also I do not find any speed improvement to my client's site as they are loading too slow
  • ffeingol
    Are you using LSAPI? Have you looked at what's slow in the site? LSWS can't optimize poor PHP or MySQL queries.
  • Sujoy Dhar
    Iam using litespeed web server
  • ffeingol
    Just because you are using LSWS does not mean you are using LSAPI. That is done under the PHP Handlers in WHMM.
  • JoseDieguez
    but for PHP application ? Also I do not find any speed improvement to my client's site as they are loading too slow

    LiteSpeed won't optimize PHP Coding of applications. if you don't see any speed improvements, you are better off litespeed.

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