Cant login to WHM After migrations
After migration to new server all reseller whms are not wroking with correct login credentials. so i checked the error log and found.
You cannot create a "whostmgrd" session for the user "domah" because they are not a reseller. [create_user_session] version [1].
Have you verified that the transferred reseller accounts actually have reseller privileges on the new server? In the Transfer Tool reseller privileges are not retained by default, somewhat unintuitively: you need to click on "Transfer Configuration" and check the box "Reseller Privileges" under "What to transfer" for each reseller's main account. 0 -
Actually i restored all the accounts through a backup. now the reseller privileges are missing. 0 -
Can you provide us with more details on how the backups were taken and how they were restored? 0 -
backups created with the command /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup --force. After the completion of all backups its moved to new server with scp command. Then again its restored through /scripts/restorepkg command 0
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