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Emails sent per hour PER EMAIL ACCOUNT



  • fmosse
    EDIT: I have found this, so yes, it can be done:
    Monitor the number of unique recipients per hour to detect potential spammers. [?] The system will monitor the number of emails to unique recipients that each individual email user sends. If this number exceeds the specified threshold, the system will send a notification.
    • On default
    • Off
    Select the action for the system to take on an email account when it detects a potential spammer. [?] The system will automatically take this action on every email account that it detects as a potential spammer. To detect spammers, the system monitors the number of emails to unique recipients that each individual user sends.
    • Take no action default
    • Hold outgoing mail
    • Reject outgoing mail
    Number of unique recipients per hour to trigger potential spammer notification. [?] The system will send a notification when any email account sends email to more than the specified number of recipients in one hour. Email sent by mailman is exempt from this detection.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Yes, that middle option will be the closest to what you're looking for!

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