'Overwrite Existing' when transferring a local cp-move file
Hi all,
I've searched and searched but I can't find the exact answer to what I'm looking for... so, forum it is ;)
What exactly does this 'Overwrite Existing' tick do?
Does it overwrite regardless?
Does it overwrite unless the file(s) (and sub files) is newer?
If the file(s) 'looks' the same (contents, age etc.) bypass or overwrite?
What I'm trying to do is only spend the time copying across if it's newer, changed etc. and don't copy across anything that looks the same already existing. For example, if I spend the time beforehand copying the backup (cp-move) across and then, when I do the transfer, will it save time not copying across files that are the same.
If there is already an account with the same cPanel username you are restoring it will, as you say " overwrite regardless ". 0 -
Thanks! So if I use the build-in cPanel process the only way to save time on large websites would be to move 'attachments' etc. out of the home directory, then rsync the files that are new in afterwards? 0 -
No, if there are files in the cPanel account that do not exist in the backup they will stay there. 0
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