mssql 5.6.40-21.23.55
despu"s de pasar desde la versi"n 110.0.10 a la 110.0.12, se actualizaron varias librer"as de php5 (php56-php-mssql 5.6.40-21.23.55.cpanel) que provocaron que las conexiones SQL contra servidores Microsoft, no funcionaran.
En las notas de actualizaci"n no se hace referencia a estos cambios en php, tuve que averiguarlo mirando los logs.
Los t"cnicos (despu"s de muchas horas de espera, incluso dias ID:95133812) no lograron volver a la versi"n anterior 5.6.40-21.23.54.cpanel
Esto a provocado que tenga que reescribir varios cientos de documentos PHP para actualizarlo a php8 ya que la conexi"n MSSQL en php5.6 ha dejado de funcionar en mi servidor.
Soy consciente que php5 est" obsoleto, pero no pueden actualizar librerias sin probar que funcione o dar la alternativa de instalar una version anterior.
After moving from version 110.0.10 to 110.0.12, several php5 libraries were updated (php56-php-mssql 5.6.40-21.23.55.cpanel) which caused SQL connections against Microsoft servers to not work.
The update notes do not refer to these changes in php, I had to find out by looking at the logs.
The technicians (after many hours of waiting, even days ID:95133812) were unable to return to the previous version 5.6.40-21.23.54.cpanel
This has caused me to have to rewrite several hundred PHP documents to update it to php8 since the MSSQL connection in php5.6 has stopped working on my server.
I am aware that php5 is obsolete, but they cannot update libraries without testing that it works or giving the alternative of installing an older version.
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