[Centos 7.9] Elevate to AlmaLinux 8 / Nginx & NodeSource repo issues
[ERROR] 1 package(s) installed from unsupported YUM repo 'nginx' from /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
[ERROR] 1 package(s) installed from unsupported YUM repo 'nodesource' from /etc/yum.repos.d/nodesource-el.repo
[INFO] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'EA4-experimental-c$releasever' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/EA4-experimental.repo,
these will be disabled before ELevation
[WARN] *** Elevation Blocker detected: ***
One or more enabled YUM repo are currently unsupported and have installed packages.
You should disable these repositories and remove packages installed from them
before continuing the update.
I received an Elevation blocker and I am unsure if it requires the removal of my entire Nginx installation (Engintron for cPanel/WHM - v2.1 (Build 20220916) and Node 14 (NVM) from the server. I need both running, and the server has over 120 accounts of static websites that need Nginx to be running till I finish this upgrading period and Node as well for a few web apps. I can't just shut down the whole web server. Does it need to remove Engintron Nginx and Node?
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