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Cpanel Update Failing



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! What do you see when you run this command? ls -ld /var/tmp I would expect the output to look like this on an AlmaLinux 8 system: drwxrwxrwt. 15 root root 4096 Oct 30 12:36 /var/tmp If so, can you try manually creating a file in there to see if that works? touch /var/tmp/testfile
  • nootkan
    [quote] Hey there! What do you see when you run this command? ls -ld /var/tmp I would expect the output to look like this on an AlmaLinux 8 system: drwxrwxrwt. 15 root root 4096 Oct 30 12:36 /var/tmp If so, can you try manually creating a file in there to see if that works? touch /var/tmp/testfile
    Hi cPRex, here is what I see when running those commands: [quote]# ls -ld /var/tmp drwxrwxrwt 0 root root 0 Oct 27 23:15 /var/tmp [root@me ~]# touch /var/tmp/testfile touch: cannot touch '/var/tmp/testfile': No such file or directory
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Well, that's something. What about this command? lsattr -d /var/tmp
  • nootkan
    cPRex, here is the result: [quote] # lsattr -d /var/tmp --------------e----- /var/tmp
    I decided to open a support ticket as once again I am stumped. Seems to be a theme with me and Alma Linux. And I was just starting to understand Centos.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I wouldn't normally expect that -e to be present. Here are some details on what that does:
  • nootkan
    cPRex, thanks for your reply. Support says I need to unmount /tmp and secure it again which I tried by running [quote]unmount /tmp
    but recieved the following: [quote] # umount /tmp umount: /tmp: target is busy.
    After some research into "target is busy" I found this link: Fixing 'Umount Target is Busy' Error in Linux. which gives three options to unmount the target (in this case tmp) but not sure which one to use. I ran the following command from the first option [quote]sudo lsof /var/tmp
    . That gave me many lines of code which looks to me like there are many processes running but can't be sure as I am not comfortable with what I am reading. Too many lines to add here for you to see. I gave support all the steps I have taken up to now and will wait until tonight when they reply to see what they suggest I do. Do you have any idea what could cause the tmp file to become corrupt so it cannot be written to? It wasn't doing this until last Sunday morning when I noticed it, but up until then my cp updates were working fine. Does this happen on its own or is it something I may have done inadvertantly while trying to resolve the other issues with Alma Linux on my new server? Thanks again for your support.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I can't say for sure what would cause such a thing to happen, but this would be something to bring up with the host itself as they could scan the hardware or drive for any issues. Hopefully they'll have a good reply to send you, as this indicates issues at a deeper level than the cPanel tools.
  • nootkan
    cPRex, thanks. I am the host as this is my own dedicated server. I'll let you what support tells me.

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