Server Migration from MySQL 8 to MariaDB 10.x
I am planning to migrate a server running CloudLinux v7.9 and MySQL 8.0 to another server running MariaDB 10.x (preferably 10.6) using WHM Transfer Tool. Is it possible without problems due to compatibility issues with mysql 8 and mariadb 10.6?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hey there! I'm not sure it's possible to answer this without a professional database admin examining the databases on the system. However, that being said, if you have common tools like WordPress, I would expect it to go just fine. The only issue you would run into would be with custom applications. 0 -
yes, most of them are for cms like WordPress, Joomla databases. 0 -
You'll almost certainly be fine. Like any migration, you'll want to test the sites on the Destination server before you change your DNS over to the new system, to ensure things working properly on the machine. That way you will not experience any unintended downtime should things actually not work properly. 0 -
Thanks, I am testing out with some test accounts now. 0 -
How'd it go?
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