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host access control changed



  • xpy-xpy
    This is OS specific. Currently you can only control access the old way (by service) on Ubuntu / Centos 7 / Cloudlinux 7 servers.
  • chanklish
    I tried the new host access control from a different ip but i am able to access whm from a different ip even though i chose ALL as reject
    Most new OS versions replaced iptables with netfilter (nftables) not a decision cPanel has any influence over. For full documentation see: It is not bad compared to manual iptable editing but if your only used to the GUI interface for this it take some time to learn the prompts.
  • chanklish
    I tried the new host access control from a different ip but i am able to access whm from a different ip even though i chose ALL as reject

    any idea?
    any idea?

    Check if the data from the interface is actually in the correct file and nothing conflicts nft -a list chain inet filter cPanel-HostAccessControl
    As adviced by cPanel cPRex in another thread if this does not work try running /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/configure_firewall_for_cpanel
    See following post about an simular situation that was resolved this way.

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