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Forums Migration Update



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Unnamed user - 1: You can edit your profile by clicking your name, then the Edit Profile button to setup an Alias that will show up on the Forums.

    2: Even I have to play by the rules sometimes ;)

    3: I am still just as active on the Forums as ever, that has not changed and will not change.  All the work for the initial migration is complete.  Once we're ready to add more, we just push a button and then wait a few days for the migration to happen (the initial run took about 2-3 days)

    4: We're looking into various UI options for the space on the right

    SimpleSonic - I mentioned above we're going to look into some additional delineation on the page to make replies easier to see.

  • AzeDK

    cPRex can we get Gravatar profile image support?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    AzeDK - I don't think show - a quick search of all Zendesk docs for "Gravatar" didn't find anything, so it's not natively supported.  We are working on making those changeable, though!

  • Unnamed User

    I had 2 accounts.

    Now, I can't log in with my earlier profile (and I haven't received a recovery email to that mail address).

    With this account, I became "Unnamed." Also, "Member since December 6, 2023". Right... :D

    I wonder if someone actually used Zendesk Community on a daily basis before jumping from Xenforo.

    The search returns irrelevant results.  

    No page numbers. Previous - Next - back to 90s layout with functions similar to what Perl-based wwwthreads/ubbthreads offered. Update. They offered more.

    Despite the empty pages, the platform's response time somehow got slower.

    Normally, I don't bash others' work, but there are so many modern forums out there.

    Given that this community is mainly used by IT professionals, why would an IT company opt for something that has fewer and inferior functionalities?

    I'm all for changes if they are for progress, not regress.


    -start quote-

    ITHKBO I haven't sat down and made such a list yet, although I suppose I could?  The create ticket function is reserved for admins, as that'll be up to me to decide when that happens.
    -end quote-

    cPRex I do not expect you to create a feature list, pro, cons from scratch and it should not be your task either though I appreciate it that you even considered that.

    I would be surprised however if such a list does not exist in some capacity with the adoption team that was tasked with deciding the product change and data migration. If they are willing to share it great if not will make our own with time.

    Once the dust has settled with the data migration I will start compiling a list of things we noticed that are not working. Having some thread or page how ever that showcases already known bugs and which are being resolved would very much help with avoiding double posting. Maybe a pinned topic? Something you also did for the gone but not forgotten Paper Lantern adoption and complications that surounded that move.

  • Jose Dieguez



    Maybe i'm missing something, but my account appears with 0 posts or interactions.


    perhaps had a different account for the forum, than for the manage.cpanel ... can they be merged?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Jose Dieguez - the account is based on the email address.  You would need to be using the same email address you were on the old Forum in order for the data to be linked to your new account.

    As far as the account creation date that some have mentioned, it is the creation date *inside Zendesk* - not your original account Forum creation date.  Even my own personal account only shows as 2019.

  • JoseDieguez



    It seems here is my second account. Can they be merged? :)


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Unfortunately there is not a way to merge accounts.

  • rivermobster

    In cPRex and cPanel's defense...

    An email went out awhile back stating how to log in (here) with your support email and password, and that would link your old ID with the new one.

    In agreement with everyone else...

    This new system sucks!!!  lol  It is no longer a community.  It's just a public ticking system.

    And I strongly agree...

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  :(  

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    UPDATE - we are currently importing threads going back to September 2013.  This means that if you are watching an area in general, such as Backups, you are going to get a notification of every new thread that is created.  Unfortunately we don't have a way to stop that behavior on our side.

    This work will likely take a few days to complete, but I'll be sure to post an update once it's done!

  • rivermobster

    Will we be able to PM other members eventually?

    Will the quote function return? Or will we have to do it manually?  

    Are the arrows on the right (above and below the zero) the way to upvote a post?

  • JoseDieguez

    How can we stop any forum notifications at all?




    i'm getting 2 notifications for every reply here.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    There is no messaging function built in to Zendesk, and from what I understand that is not something they will be adding to the product.

    I did mention the quoting issue earlier, and have a case opened with them here about this:

    Yes, the arrows are the closest we have to an "upvote" option.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    @... - that makes sense to me because you replies to this thread from two different accounts.  I did confirm with the Zendesk team that there is not a way to merge these, as both of those accounts have recently submitted tickets.

  • rivermobster

    There is no messaging function built in to Zendesk, and from what I understand that is not something they will be adding to the product.


  • JoseDieguez

    cPRex any way to completely disable email notifications? on profile i can't see anything to configure or change


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Not that I am aware of.

  • Jose Dieguez



    On the index of the community 

    Recent activity (Community)


    if you scroll down, there is threads that says "last reply seconds ago", but they are all from 9 years ago

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Yes, that is to be expected as we continue to import older data.


    The inablilty to disable email notifications is vastly becoming a big problem.
    I was just greeted with 1100 email notifications in one day just from cPanel on top of my daily 1K mails. And because the accounts are now tied to our administrative account it happens on our main box.

    I had to disable every follow we had active but with no onboard site notifications this means either resorting to email filter to auto purge the board mails and sort them, create a secondary account just to be able to use the forum or forgo follow functions completely and keep track of it outside the Zendesk forum setup. 

    Are you running into the problem as well? And if so how are you dealing with the email notification spam. And in addition is there any way to show last reply date, time on the follow page.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    The only option would be to do what you did - disable any forum areas that you're "following" to stop the emails.  There isn't a way to show the time on the follow page.

    I'm expecting this to last for 2-3 more days as we get all of the old threads imported.

    I don't actually follow any individual categories as I check everything on a daily basis anyway, but yes, there is a lot of email being generated right now.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    UPDATE - I reached out to Zendesk and we have applied a fix for the notifications as we continue to import data, so you all shouldn't be receiving as many emails from this point forward.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    UPDATE: We have completed the migration of data going back to September 2013.  We have picked that date because it was the EOL date of cPanel 11.32, and I doubt anything before that is going to be relevant.

    We are working on the database map now, so old links will be taken care of back to that date soon.

    We do not plan to migrate even older data at this time.

    There will likely be threads I didn't get to reply to because Zendesk shows there are 26,000 new posts right now, so if I missed your thread or a reply or a question, I'm very sorry.  There shouldn't be any more interruptions with the Forum from this point forward.

  • eva2000

    cPRex hope you can map those old URLs as loosing all that past data will only add to your tech support workloads versus folks Googling a issue or problem and landing on a solution that is populated on the forums already! Though the new SSO is so confusing - you'd probably loose a lot of active forum members and folks that just don't bother to sign up on the forums to ask questions and just add to your ticket workload instead.

    There are internal benefits for us to using this tool instead of Xenforo.  The option for administrators to create a ticket as well as the "similar threads" recommendations that appear are both very helpful features to have.

  • lmstearn

    cPRex: Thanks for the update!

    Sad to say there is still a post missing from this thread, mentioned above, the google cache has now expired, and the quote tags are still not parsed by the import.

    The archived page won't show it either:

    Could be the additional two posts were made during the actual migration event, and lost forever, so any hope?

    The content prior to 2013 still may have relevance to some, a good deal of it appears to be archived - see:*/*

    Capped by the 10,000 limit, unfortunately unless someone with categorising filter skills steps in. :)

  • WorkinOnIt

    cPRex good update. But...

    The content prior to 2013 still may have relevance to some, a good deal of it appears to be archived 

    I couldn't agree more. There is at least another DECADE of knowledge that should still be imported, prior to 2013.  I think cPanel actually has a moral duty to retain all of that stuff.  That information IS still relevant to a whole lot of questions around managing a WHM server, Linux admin stuff, SSH tips, DB Management things - the list goes on.

    If you must, put a disclaimer on top of old posts but please don't lose all of that shared knowledge just because of a few idiots that might try using a 15yr old code snippet that breaks their email.

    Would you delete half a library because the books don't relate to today's society?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    eva2000 - we did send out an instruction message a few weeks before the move, letting active users know what they would need to do to log in.  So far, we haven't seen a dip in forum traffic after the switch.

    lmstearn - I'm honestly not entirely sure what you mean, I'm afraid.  There isn't a way to fix the quotes in general...see my next reply

    WorkinOnIt - In general, no.  There were at least 6 types of different bbcode entries used for quotes and links, so we picked the one that grabbed the most correctly and went with that, but have no plans to manually go through and fix the others.  I can manually adjust things if you want as you point them out.

    There's also an entire area of library science called "weeding" - if we moved posts back to the beginning of the forums era, it would be like having Windows 98 books on the shelf.

    EVERYONE: Here is my thought on the old posts.  If you have a specific thread bookmarked for some reason because it was so important, we should make it into a support article instead of a Forums thread.  That way our team can update the data in it as things change and evolve.  But I don't believe a static page is the best way to handle such important content if it exists.

  • Andrew

    cPRex since I cant send you a PM anymore (probably no PMs in Zendesk?:() I'm letting you know that I cant login to my beloved account lol. I know my username was "andrew.n" but I'm not getting forgotten password emails either so if you could let me now the email for that it would be awesome. My ideas are either:



    *****w.n@***** or *****w@*****


    btw signatures remained? or is it possible to re-add?


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