xmlapi: could not find function "addautoresponder" in module email
Using xmlapi to manage email accounts has been going well until I started working with 'addautoresponder', which is coming back with the error "could not find function 'addautoresponder' in module 'email".
Is there something I should know? Is there some new function? Am I accessing API 1 incorrectly? I read somewhere that API 1 requires an ordered param array rather than a hashed param array, but that's from some years ago, right?
The code looks like this:
[PHP]$params = array('domain'=>$domain,
'from'=>$row['Full Name">,
$res = json_decode($xmlapi->api2_query($cpanelu, "Email", "addautoresponder", $params), true);[/PHP]
Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated.
By the way, the people who developed xmlapi interface for CPANEL are heros!
OK, to answer my own question. Looking through xmlapi.php revealed that there are query functions for API1 and API2 - I hadn't noticed, duh. So the *working* code looks like this, with an ordered array as per the API documentation and 'api1_query' called: [PHP]$params = array($username, $row['Full Name">, $Subject, $Body, $domain, true, "us-ascii", 4, $startTS, $endTS); $res = json_decode($xmlapi->api1_query($cpanelu, "Email", "addautoresponder", $params), true);[/PHP] 0 -
Hello :) I am happy to hear you were able to resolve the issue. Thank you for sharing the solution. 0
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