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  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You can whitelist IP addresses associated with those remote mail servers via the following option under the "RBLs" tab in "WHM Home " Service Configuration " Exim Configuration Manager": "Whitelist: IP addresses that should not be checked against RBLs" Note that this option should support CIDR notation, so you can whitelist the range of IP addresses used by Yahoo or Google for email. Thank you.
  • amsoft2001
    Hi Michael, Thanks for the detail :). But as you can understand, its almost impossible to have the IP RANGE of yahoo or google :) Why the trustedmailhosts are not working? We'll have to do it with the hostname, cannot do by IP. Regards Rakesh
  • ThinIce
    This is the way the underlying software works. If an organisation doesn't provide a list of it's outgoing mail server IPs it can't expect it's systems to be added to white lists. I'd point out that for google, the info is available here [url=]Email bounces because your IP address is blacklisted - Google Apps Help Edit: Worth reading simply for this bit at the bottom [quote]Actually, my domain does send spam Oh, well in that case, we kindly request that you stop doing so from your Gmail account!

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