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[Case 58403] Domain doesn't resovle - DNS Zone error



  • quietFinn
    As the error message states, there are no A records for ns1 & ns2. Add these records: [QUOTE] ns1 14400 IN A ns2 14400 IN A
  • axinos
    [quote="quietFinn, post: 1457411">As the error message states, there are no A records for ns1 & ns2. Add these records:
    The nameservers do have A records (otherwise the other domains on the server wouldn't resolve either). Furthermore, I don't get error when I edit any other zone.
  • quietFinn
    [quote="axinos, post: 1457431">The nameservers do have A records (otherwise the other domains on the server wouldn't resolve either). Furthermore, I don't get error when I edit any other zone.
    If the name servers are: and then the A records of ns1 & ns2 must be in the DNS zone of the domain (and only there). You were showing the DNS zone of, and there are NO A records for ns1 & ns2. Are the name servers registered in the registrar of and pointing to correct IPs?
  • axinos
    [quote="quietFinn, post: 1457452">If the name servers are: and then the A records of ns1 & ns2 must be in the DNS zone of the domain (and only there). You were showing the DNS zone of, and there are NO A records for ns1 & ns2. Are the name servers registered in the registrar of and pointing to correct IPs?
    I added the A records of ns1 and ns2 and worked. Thanks queitFinn :)
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) I am happy to hear the issue is now resolved. Thank you for reporting back to this thread to let us know what solved the problem.
  • dpearson
    Michael, isn't this more of a bug with the way cPanel handles primary nameserver's than anything else? I've seen this several times as well and it can get aggravating if one forgets to check for it. Upon initial setup of cPanel you designate hostname & default nameserver's which creates DNS zones for ns1 &, these will work fine as long as you don't have an account for As soon as you add such an account it the dns zone for will fail to load as it has NS records set for ns1/ but since cPanel does not automatically enter the A records into that zone file it will fail. Your left with manually entering A records into that zone file as you cannot even use cPanel's automatic "assign A record" to the nameserver feature. Just curious if this is even on the radar with bug fixes?
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="dpearson, post: 1458071">Just curious if this is even on the radar with bug fixes?
    There is an open internal case regarding this issue. For reference, the case number is 58403. There is currently no planned resolution or time frame for when the issue might be addressed, however I have linked this thread to the case. Thank you.

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