How to Change in Contact Manager
Hello everybody
I want to change on "Contact Manager" But not from whm
i need to edit it from SSH ,, I have access on more 10 server of my clients and i need to do this from terminal
so where is the file save this settings ?! :confused:
in /root/.forward 0 -
Hello :) The following files can be modified to alter the email addresses normally configured in "WHM Home " Server Contacts " Edit System Mail Preferences" for "root" and "cpanel": /root/.forward /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.forward
Thank you.0 -
Not found :/ [QUOTE]root@server:~# ls -al /root/.forward ls: cannot access /root/.forward: No such file or directory root@server:~# ls -al /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.forward ls: cannot access /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.forward: No such file or directory
??0 -
[quote="shamstarek, post: 1459321">Not found :/ ??
If those files do not exist you must create them.0 -
I can create them .. but what are files content ? 0 -
[quote="shamstarek, post: 1459381">I can create them .. but what are files content ?
As cPanelMichael told in his reply above: "The following files can be modified to alter the email addresses normally configured in "WHM Home " Server Contacts " Edit System Mail Preferences" for "root" and "cpanel".0 -
Sir i think you understand what i want to know :) i need to costume Contact Manager settings for more 10 server from terminal .. check attached images 0 -
The alert priorities configured in the "Contact Manager" are not adjustable from the command line. Feel free to open a feature request for this via: Submit A Feature Request Thank you. 0 -
[quote="cPanelMichael, post: 1459531">The alert priorities configured in the "Contact Manager" are not adjustable from the command line. Feel free to open a feature request for this via: Submit A Feature Request Thank you.
Hello Michael I think this configurations saved in file .. i want to know the path of this file please :)0 -
Any update my friends :) ?? 0 -
Edited to update: You can update these values by editing the following files: /var/cpanel/iclevels.conf > Alert Priority Assignment /var/cpanel/clevels.conf > Alert Contact Priority Assignment Thank you. 0 -
[quote="cPanelMichael, post: 1460412">Upon researching the issue, I found that the alert priorities configured in the "Contact Manager" are not saved in a file on the server. You must change the values via Web Host Manager. Thank you.
We were presented with this same question from a client today and the information posted here is incorrect. You can adjust the "Alert Priority Assignment" for Contact Manager via the file located at /var/cpanel/iclevels.conf# cat /var/cpanel/iclevels.conf Notice 3 cPHulk 1 checkperlmodules 3 cpbackup 2 disabledigest 3 hackcheck 1 ipcheck 2 kernelcheck 2 killacct 0 newmailcgi 3 oopscheck 1 parkadmin 0 rpmcheck 3 smartcheck 3 suspendacct 0 unsuspendacct 0 upacct 0 wwwacct 0
You can also adjust the "Alert Contact Priority Assignment" via /var/cpanel/clevels.conf# cat /var/cpanel/clevels.conf CONTACTAIM 0 CONTACTUIN 0 CONTACTEMAIL 1 CONTACTPAGER 0
0 -
Thanks, I have updated the previous post to reflect this information. 0 -
No problem. Also note that if you don't see these files, it means you have never saved or altered the default settings. Just save the settings you want via WHM and then push out the files to as many servers as you like. 0
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