Can't open list admin page.
Hello :) Do you experience the same issue when using your domain name in the URL instead of the server's hostname? Thank you. 0 -
Hello, Yes, same problem login with domain instead hostname. Thank you.- 0 -
Could you open a support ticket so we can take a closer look? Submit A Ticket You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you. 0 -
Hello Michael, We already have a ticket open: 4342491 You'll see the reason that causes cpanel can't investigate the issue... Thank you.- 0 -
[quote="capoinfra, post: 1459772">We already have a ticket open: 4342491. You'll see the reason that causes cpanel can't investigate the issue...
I recommend addressing that issue so we can access your system and investigate any issues that may persist with Mailman. Thank you.0
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