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Advice on different backup approach to reduce server load and increase database availability



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You may want to consider utilizing the following option under "Stats and Logs" in "WHM Home " Server Configuration " Tweak Settings": "Extra CPUs for server load" Per it's description: The load average above the number of CPUs at which cpuwatch, cpanellogd, backups, and CPU stats consider the system to be in a critical load state. For example, a server with 4 physical CPUs and a value of 2 in this field will be considered "critical" in these cases once the load reaches 6. This will ensure the backup process pauses when the load reaches a certain threshold. Thank you.
  • chrishufford
    Thank you. I have 4 physical CPU and have set the value from 0 to 2. I forced a backup and set it back to Compressed (rather than incremental). The load was lower than before but I will watch it for a few days. However, the database locking problem remains. Perhaps I should still: 1 - change the owner of the main database to root so that the backup system will skip it 2 - make a new crontab that runs after backup is complete which does a backup of the main database using mysqldump -single-transaction which does not lock the database (the tables are all InnoDB). Thoughts?
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="chrishufford, post: 1461702">1 - change the owner of the main database to root so that the backup system will skip it 2 - make a new crontab that runs after backup is complete which does a backup of the main database using mysqldump -single-transaction which does not lock the database (the tables are all InnoDB).
    Yes, you are welcome to implement this custom solution to see if it alleviates the issue with the database. Thank you.

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