Server crashing
My server has been crashing lately, and it mostly has been around the same time of day (6am EST). Luckily, I left an SSH session open and got to see what top was showing before it went completely unresponsive. By looking at this, can anyone tell me what the problem is? Lack of memory?
From the above stats, CPU is maxing out because of mysql. You can try to find the mysql process list to see what processes are running at that time (using tools like mytop or "mysqladmin proc stat " command). May be some corrupted table or some bug in the code etc. 0 -
Hello :) You may want to check /var/log/messages or /var/log/dmesg for messages around the time when the server became unresponsive. It's possible there is a hardware-related issue that you need to address. Beyond that, the following thread should be useful to you for the load average itself: Troubleshooting High Loads On Linux Systems Thank you. 0
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