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PHP showing errors, but display_errors=Off



  • simonas
    Check config files of those applications. Usually they have debug option, which overrides default error displaying. Look at the index.php, config.php or search google how disable error displaying for that application.
  • Infopro
    The actual errors might be helpful to post here.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) It sounds like the server the account was migrated from uses an older version of PHP. You may want to upgrade the installed scripts to the latest versions provided by the developers to ensure they are compatible with the version of PHP installed on your system. Thank you.
  • markmb
    Thank you for your answers. I was able to solve the problem, but I don't know exactly how. I changed some files, which didn't work, and then I undid the changes, and it worked. So it's solved, but I don't know how. Thank you anyway!
  • crawford
    I am also facing the same issue.My website is in PHP.I have display the errors OFF with php ini settings but my hosting server is still displaying errors.any body help me??? [quote="markmb, post: 1463141">I'm helping a friend with his first dedicated server (with WHM interface), and I found a weird issue: He migrated all his websites, and they were working. But he found that mysqli was not working. I looked for a solution, and I finally installed mysqli through EasyApache (reconfiguring Apache). When it finished, the websites were not working and with a weird and undescriptable error (something about headers) and a DEFLATE module error. So I reconfigured EasyApache again, but now with deflate. And then I solved the headers error changing suPHP for CGI. At this moments, websites were running, but with a lot of Strict Standards and Warnings (Joomla websites, mostly). I went to PHP configuration, and disabled errors: display_errors = Off. I restarted Apache, and most Websites worked. The problem is that some websites (I repeat, Joomla that were working perfectly before) show PHP warnings, notices and strict standards messages, while other no. There are no display_errors directive in /home/[user]/public_html/php.ini, in the general php.ini display_errors = Off, and the codes of the websites don't have anything about error_reporting or ini_set('display_errors'...) Probably this is not the place to ask, but I don't know what else to look at and I don't know who to ask. Thank you in advance
  • simonas
    I will repeat myself. If scripts contains directive which enables error showing, it will show errors. Search applications for ini_set('display_errors', '1') or similar. Best option would be to solve them instead hiding. Another option would be to set error reporting level to 0, like: error_reporting(0);
  • Aaron.Edwards
    [quote="crawford, post: 1465791">I am also facing the same issue.My website is in PHP.I have display the errors OFF with php ini settings but my hosting server is still displaying errors.any body help me???
    Can you post the actual error from the error log ?

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