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how to kill backup process? - new backup system in 11.38 kills my server



  • Foxhound
    Hmm, whats even more weird is that in the backup config I set it to use uncompressed, yet it is compressing everything. I really wonder what is going on. If this new backup system is just one bugged thing I would expect the support for legacy to not end, but which I read will. I rather have a legacy backup which I cant use than daily backups while the server is down all day like now just to make the backup. Is there anyone who has an idea whats going on? Right now the server is trying to kill itself with a load of nearly 100. And I still dont know how to kill this process.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You may want to consider utilizing the following option under "Stats and Logs" in "WHM Home " Server Configuration " Tweak Settings": "Extra CPUs for server load" Per it's description: The load average above the number of CPUs at which cpuwatch, cpanellogd, backups, and CPU stats consider the system to be in a critical load state. For example, a server with 4 physical CPUs and a value of 2 in this field will be considered "critical" in these cases once the load reaches 6. This will ensure the backup process pauses when the load reaches a certain threshold. Also, if you want to kill a backup process, find the process ID with a command such as: ps auxf
    Then, kill the process: kill -9 PID
    Thank you.
  • Foxhound
    Thank you, that was very usefull :) Do you maybe have any idea why my backup is cmpressing the users accounts to .tar? I double tripple checked and the backup is set to not compress. I started this backup with "/usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup". Could this cause it is ignoring my backup config settings?
  • cPanelKenneth
    [quote="Foxhound, post: 1463492">Thank you, that was very usefull :) Do you maybe have any idea why my backup is cmpressing the users accounts to .tar? I double tripple checked and the backup is set to not compress. I started this backup with "/usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup". Could this cause it is ignoring my backup config settings?
    .tar is not compression. It's an archive. It's as if you appended all files into one giant file. For compression gzip is used, which will leave your file with a .gz extensions.
  • Foxhound
    Ah ok thank you very much. That makes sense now. I have set backup to incremental now, together with the "Extra CPUs for server load" tweak setting pretty much fixed these issues and my server is running again. I can still see what happened this morning has its influences but its up. Thank you for all your assistance! It was very much appreciated :)

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