Using unique option prefix pass instead of password is deprecated
I've been getting an email from my server the last few days with the message
Subject: Cron /usr/bin/test -x /usr/local/cpanel/bin/optimizefs && /usr/local/cpanel/bin/optimizefs
"Using unique option prefix pass instead of password is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead."
Google this term and found some clues . . . but
I checked my.cnf and found no mention of pass
Hello, I'm not 100% sure why you are getting that email from those scripts but if mysql is complaining about the pass vs. password then it's likely referring to /root/.my.cnf. If you continue to get those emails please open a ticket, I'd love to take a look into this issue for you :) You can submit a ticket at: 0 -
Hi Matt, Yes /root/.my.cnf had pass=******** in it. I changed it to password and will open a ticket if I get another email. Thanks. 0 -
pass or password? UPDATE: Noticed high aborted connections are due to the fact CSF stats couldn't connect to mysql because the password in /root/.my.cnf wasn't being accepted. Had changed .my.cnf from 'pass' to 'password' because of the preceding warnings - since pass in that file generates these messages both in emails and in mysqltuner. "Warning: Using unique option prefix pass instead of password is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead." But WHH>SQL Services>MySQL Root Password uses 'pass' and seemingly CSF will only accept 'pass' so what is that warning referring to? Thanks. 0 -
Re: pass or password? [quote="jimlongo, post: 1486631">But WHH>SQL Services>MySQL Root Password uses 'pass' and seemingly CSF will only accept 'pass' so what is that warning referring to?
This message is output to prepare you for upcoming changes by MySQL. The use of "pass" is deprecated and will no longer be valid in a future release of MySQL. Thus, while it still works now, it's recommended you modify any instances of this entry that you find. Thank you.0 -
Thanks Michael, I get the meaning of the notice. I guess what's confusing is 1. That WHH>SQL Services>MySQL Root Password generates 'pass' instead of 'password' 2. That CSF (I know it's not your product and I will follow up with them) fails if 'password' is used. 0 -
[quote="jimlongo, post: 1487701">I guess what's confusing is 1. That WHH>SQL Services>MySQL Root Password generates 'pass' instead of 'password'
It will not replace "pass" with "password" automatically at this time. Functionality for that type of feature will likely be implemented before support for the "pass" term ends. Thank you.0 -
Update: CSF 6.37 now will accept "password" in .my.cnf for stats collection 0
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