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Move accounts between Cpanel Servers



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You should first backup the DNS Zones on the source server. EX: cp -a /var/named /var/named-backup Then, you can proceed to install and configure cPanel on the destination server. I recommend using a temporary IP address on the destination server until the migration is finished. You can transfer the actual accounts via the "Copy Multiple Accounts/Packages From Another Server" option in WHM. After the transfer, review the DNS Zones on the destination server to ensure your custom records were copied over successfully. Then, modify the network scripts on the destination server so the correct IP address is utilized, update the cPanel license, and update the accounts to this IP address via: "WHM Home " IP Functions " IP Migration Wizard" Since your name servers and IP addresses are going to remain the same, you can always manually copy over the DNS Zones that you backed up on the source server. Thank you.
  • maquinadigital
    Hi, thank you for your fast reply. I was thinking in doing the other way. First change the production server to another IP and have the new server changed with the productive IP address. That way, during migration, the accounts would become available as migrated. Also, during migration, no emails would be delivered to the "old" server, or no changes to the MySQL(websites) would be made, without being migrated. Yes, I can deactivate everything on the "old" server but I wouldn't get the accounts activated sooner. When I migrate an account, WHM changes all IP addresses? Or it just changes the IP addresses that match the origin server, leaving custom dns entries unchanged? In either case, the /var/named backup seems perfect. I'm very sorry but I reminded another "detail". I'm thinking about having a mysql dedicated server, that I currently don't have. When I migrate an account from a server with local mysql to a server with remote mysql, will WHM be smart to recreate the DB on the remote server? Do I have to take any detail into consideration? Most websites will try to use localhost so, I read about using iptables to redirect local mysql port to another server. I think that could solve the issue. But, without that, will WHM restore the DB properly? Best regards Daniel
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="maquinadigital, post: 1470172">First change the production server to another IP and have the new server changed with the productive IP address.
    Yes, this is a viable alternative and it's acceptable to use this method. [quote="maquinadigital, post: 1470172">When I migrate an account, WHM changes all IP addresses? Or it just changes the IP addresses that match the origin server, leaving custom dns entries unchanged?
    Custom DNS entries should be transferred without modification. [quote="maquinadigital, post: 1470172"> When I migrate an account from a server with local mysql to a server with remote mysql, will WHM be smart to recreate the DB on the remote server? Do I have to take any detail into consideration?
    You should complete the transfer as you normally would, and then configure the remote MySQL server via: "WHM Home " SQL Services " Setup Remote MySQL Server" Thank you.
  • maquinadigital
    Thank you once more for the fast reply. Configuring the remote MySQL Server after the migration won't migrate the DBs to the new server right? I'll have to migrate the DBs manually, is that right? Thank you
  • cPanelMichael
    [quote="maquinadigital, post: 1470241">Configuring the remote MySQL Server after the migration won't migrate the DBs to the new server right?I'll have to migrate the DBs manually, is that right?
    That is correct. If the source server utilizes a remote server for MySQL, you will have to manually transfer those databases if you want those databases hosted on the destination server. Thank you.

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