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Two domain extensions not working



  • Aaron.Edwards
    Can you please confirm whether apache is running in the port 80 ? or nginx is running as the reverse proxy at port 80 ? If apache is running at port 80, Check Your Apache Virtualhost entries for this domain which redirects to default page. If nginx is running at the port 80, check whether you have created nginx vhost entry and correct ip address and port numbers set in the proxy_pass ? [QUOTE]If I type the server IP address, I also get the /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi
    This is normal for all cpanel servers.
  • valentijnc
    Hi Aaron, Thanks for your response. I am checking it out now and will get back to you when I have tried some things. I am running apache btw and on port 80. Greetings
  • valentijnc
    Hi Aaron, I have tried adding the virtualhost but no luck. It still does the same thing. I have decided to also mail my hosting company to let them look at it. Greetings Valentijn
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You should add the domain name as a "Parked Domain" onto the account. If it's still showing the default cPanel page, try clearing your browser cache, and rebuilding the Apache configuration file via: /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf
    Thank you.

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