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Copy settings from your cPanel to your Home developer server



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) You can see a list of the Apache and PHP modules installed on your cPanel server with commands such as: httpd -l php -m
    You can try ensuring that your standalone server uses the same modules that are configured on your cPanel server, and that the versions of Apache and PHP match what's used on your cPanel server. Thank you.
  • fcbinfo
    This will help. I'm thinking here. If I have 3 websites, that using 1 VPS for each. The only one person that do log in on whm or cpanel is me. Sometimes I do not log in on the control panel for more than 4 or 5 months. Can I have only 1 cPanel license for this 3 VPSs and change license IP when i need? If this is possible, I can use the license on my home develop server, and when I need to log in on the server, change de license IP to the server. Thank you Michael.
  • cPanelMichael
    I don't believe that is permitted because a valid license is required for every cPanel installation. However, license questions should be directed to the email address. Thank you.

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