Install Virtualbox on a cPanel server
Hello, I need some giudance to install Virtulbox on a cPanel server.The server is up and running with CENTOS 6.4 and cPanel installed.
I opened a ticket to cPanel and they answered it is possible to install Virtualbox.
But I saw here, it needs to rebuild kernel:
[url=]Install VirtualBox 4.2.16 on RHEL/CentOS 6.4/5.9 and Fedora 19-12
Is this ok? This won't affect the cpanel installation and the existing accounts?
If someone has an ideea, please provide me the exact steps to install virtualbox on a cpanel server.
Thank you.
Hello :) You can install cPanel on a VPS that is setup on a VirtualBox VPS node. However, installing VirtualBox on a cPanel server is not supported. While it may technically work, it's not something that we generally recommend. Instead, you would ideally install cPanel on a VPS that is created within the VPS node itself. Thank you. 0
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