Homedir permissions
1) Is it possible to set default user home permissions to 750 or 700 instead of 711?
2) Will such change interfere with any functions of cpanel/whm (assuming that i use mod_ruid2)?
Functionally as long as users aren't members of each others groups (they should not be) then 750 will not offer you any extra functionality over 711. 711 is more secure and I recommend staying with this. Either way it should not interfere with mod_ruid2, though, I personally recommend against using mod_ruid2 until the modsecurity compatibility is fixed. I'd recommend cloudlinux with cagefs and securelinks and a good modsecurity ruleset over mod_ruid2 any day. 0 -
Hello. Thank you for your reply. I know that there are several ways to make server more secure, but i want to experiment with homedir permissions. Is there any way to set default permissions? Thanks. 0 -
Deafult permissions of new directores in general are determined by umask, however, I don't know if useradd pays attention to umask. 0 -
Hello :) Could you elaborate on the need to modify the permissions of the home directories for your accounts? For instance, is there a specific configuration that is not working with the default permissions? Thank you. 0
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