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Problem with Custom cPAddons manually installation



  • KostonConsulting
    What are the contents of your config file? Specfically, what's this variable set to? 'addon_path' => 'Vendor/Category/Name', #Path of install files on server
  • Jinvan
    Thanks for the response. Actually, I just copy the WordPress Addon on the cpanel sync server at [url=]Index of /cpanelsync/cpaddons/cPanel/Blogs/ to get start with cPAddons. I see the variables of 'addon_path' at the doc([url=]Configuration File Variables), but I don't see it in the file. Which file and section should I put the 'addon_path' to ? thanks. My .pm file is just the same as
  • Jinvan
    [quote="KostonConsulting, post: 1482921">What are the contents of your config file? Specfically, what's this variable set to? 'addon_path' => 'Vendor/Category/Name', #Path of install files on server

    Where should I put the 'addon_path' variables ?
  • KostonConsulting
    [quote="Jinvan, post: 1483821">Where should I put the 'addon_path' variables ?
    It looks like the 'addon_path' variable defaults to your package path so, if you define: package My::Software::Advanced_Addon;
    addon_path with be /usr/local/cpanel/cpaddons/My/Software/Advanced_Addon Now, you need to ensure that your .tar.gz archive is present in that path and named the same as your version is set. So if you set version like so: our $meta_info = { 'version' => '2.2.3' ...... };
    You should verify that your .tar.gz archive is located at /usr/local/cpanel/addons/My/Software/Advanced_Addon/2.2.3.tar.gz BTW, if you want to dive into the installer code, it's available in /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/

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