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Sub Domain Wont Connect to MYSQL?



  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) What's the specific database error message you are receiving? Thank you.
    [quote="cPanelMichael, post: 1484862">Hello :) What's the specific database error message you are receiving? Thank you.
    HI, Sorry should have included this; Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.
  • cPanelMichael
    Check to ensure that MySQL is running well on your system. If it is, try creating the database user again with the same password used in the script configuration file, and then ensure you add that database user to the database. Also, check the /usr/local/lib/php.ini file to make sure the "sql.safe_mode" option is disabled. Thank you.
    [quote="cPanelMichael, post: 1485112">Check to ensure that MySQL is running well on your system. If it is, try creating the database user again with the same password used in the script configuration file, and then ensure you add that database user to the database. Also, check the /usr/local/lib/php.ini file to make sure the "sql.safe_mode" option is disabled. Thank you.
    HI, Thanks for your advice and time. We have created the user and DB and added the user again but to no avail. The odd things is even using the original live database and user which we copied from (which we know works fine as its a live site) the subdomain still will not connect to the same database. Safe mode is off, and SQL seems to be running ok. This isnt an issue we have encountered before and we have used WHM / Cpanel & Opensource CMS systems for some years now. Normally its a simple typo or error in the joomla config file that presents this error but not in this case. Any other ideas? :-)
  • cPanelMichael
    Feel free to open a support ticket so we can take a closer look: Submit A Ticket You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you.

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