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JSON API - optimize website


1 comment

  • KostonConsulting
    Yes, this is implemented as an API1 call which can be called via the JSON API. You can find how something is called by looking at the page which the references on the page of cPanel where the action is being taken. In this case, it's /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x3/optimize/dooptimize.html: Here's an example of how to call it: https://:2083/cpsess6366747/json-api/cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_module=OptimizeWS&cpanel_jsonapi_func=optimizews&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=1&arg-0=list&arg-1=text/html%20text/plain%20text/xml There's documentation available in cPanel's API1 docs: [url=]OptimizeWS Module Documentation

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