bug with hook addaddondomain
This thread was opened for a problem with cpanel, but i will give my sollution for a 3rd party plugin too.
I have a server with nginxcp
Today my nginx crashed after one of my customers tried to add his main domain as addon domain because the hook was still launched even the cpanel throwed him the error:
I can say i have this problem after my cpanel was upgraded to 11.40 (4 times in one month on this server). Also i had problems with apache alternate port but it was solved. the problem in nginx script was with the missing ip variable from hook (I don't know why was triggered in the first place!)
To avoid this issue in the future I added a check in addaddondomain script, part of nginxcp, (located in:/usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain):
complete file source:
You cannot park your main domain!
I can say i have this problem after my cpanel was upgraded to 11.40 (4 times in one month on this server). Also i had problems with apache alternate port but it was solved. the problem in nginx script was with the missing ip variable from hook (I don't know why was triggered in the first place!)
Restarting nginx daemon: nginxnginx: [emerg] no host in ":80" of the "listen" directive in /etc/nginx/vhosts/xx.xx.ro:3
already running.
To avoid this issue in the future I added a check in addaddondomain script, part of nginxcp, (located in:/usr/local/cpanel/hooks/addondomain):
if yip == "":
complete file source:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Nginx Admin Installer
# Website: www.nginxcp.com
# Copyright (C) NGINXCP.COM.
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import yaml
from xml.dom import minidom
import createvhosts
doc = minidom.parse(sys.stdin)
resulttaglist = doc.getElementsByTagName('result')
resultlist =[]
if resulttaglist[1].childNodes[0].toxml() == 0:
subdomaintaglist = doc.getElementsByTagName('subdomain')
subdomain = subdomaintaglist[0].childNodes[0].toxml()
maindomaintaglist = doc.getElementsByTagName('DOMAIN')
maindomain = maindomaintaglist[0].childNodes[0].toxml()
domain = subdomain + '.' + maindomain
usertaglist = doc.getElementsByTagName('USER')
user = usertaglist[0].childNodes[0].toxml()
docroot, yip, alias = createvhosts.getvars(domain)
serverip = createvhosts.getmainip()
if yip == "":
if yip == serverip:
createvhosts.writeconfshared(user, domain, docroot, yip, alias)
createvhosts.writeconfded(user, domain, docroot, yip, alias)
proc = subprocess.Popen("/etc/init.d/nginx restart > /dev/null 2>&1", shell=True)
Hello :) Please ensure you open any potential bugs with cPanel itself as a bug report via: Submit A Bug Report You can post the ticket number here so we can update this thread with the outcome. Thank you. 0
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