create new account ...
i create new account in cpanel i given my mail id..but i am not getting client cpanel url ..please help ..
i am fresher ..
cPanel Login url will be: OR server-IP/cpanel Like 0 -
Hello :) Your web hosting provider should have presented you with an IP address or hostname to use for accessing cPanel. You should also ensure you modify the name servers for your domain name at the registrar if you have yet to do so. Thank you. 0 -
my server ip my server name i used url after login cpanel ..i create account i give username password package email .. after send to client but client cpanel url we not getting .. this problem... please help .. [COLOR="silver">- - - Updated - - - my server ip my server name i used url after login cpanel ..i create New account i give username password package email .. click submit button ..successful create client account ...the client Email not receiving the client cpanel url,user name passwords....... his problem... please help .. 0 -
[quote="mahesh123, post: 1505061">my server ip
This seems to be your internal / private IP. Please contact your server provider to get public IP of your server. You can also see your public IP on which you have create new account after create new cPanel account. After creating new account WHM will show you something like this: +===================================+ | New Account Info | +===================================+ | Domain: | Ip: (n) | HasCgi: y | UserName: username | PassWord: ###### | CpanelMod: x3 | HomeRoot: /home | Quota: 1000 Meg | NameServer1: | NameServer2: | NameServer3: | NameServer4: | Contact Email: | Package: Package Name | Feature List: default | Language: en +===================================+ So, your account public IP is And your cPanel login url will be [quote] my server name
This is your server hostname. Please follow these steps for proper functioning of websites on your server. 1) Get nameserver address for your server. You should contact your hosting provider for this. It should be in format: If you do not have nameserver setup for your server, you should first setup nameserver. Please refer to this post:0 -
Server Configurations Deatils hi........ my WHM&Cpanel configuration completed.... after it is necessary or not configuration individual server [dns,http,smtp,pop3/imap,ftp,Sql server] ... if it is necessary ...... how to add the these server's .......... please help me.... i am fresher 0 -
Re: Server Configurations Deatils cPanel includes all of the services that you mentioned. You do not need to install or configure them separately. All you need to do is start creating accounts and all of those services will be configured appropriately, automatically, when you create each account. You may find our documentation helpful. It is comprehensive and completely searchable: [url=]All Documentation 0 -
cpanel ips.. .vB Dear sir/madam i want to give the name server ips different network.... in this time WHM & Cpanel work properly...please help any modification and any ips ...please help.. i am fresher 0 -
Re: Server Configurations Deatils thank u sir ... 0 -
WHM Cpanel ip problem... Dear sir /madam i want give name server ips different network ... using public ips nameserver ip1: 11.x.x.15 nameserver ip2: 150.x.x.15 dis time cpanel work properly are not ..please help ... i am fresher 0 -
Multiple threads on same topic posted over several days, merged into this thread. Please don't keep starting new threads. 0 -
@mahesh123, As I can see you are a total newbie related to server management. I suggest you to: 1) Upgrade / transfer to a fully managed cPanel server. 2) Hire a server administrator to setup these settings on your server. 3) Ask for support from your hosting provider. Generally all hosting provider help with these basic things. 4) Contact cPanel support 0 -
Better to check the name server and replace it with your hosting server name and add client website in your cPanel account list then wait for approval then try for or any other which you know better, it will show changed name server then you can start... :) 0
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