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xmlapi response contains some weirds characters



  • KostonConsulting
    Not getting the copyright symbol when doing my testing on Perhaps you should try switching to JSON output and seeing if you still get the added characters. JSON output doesn't put the unnecessary footer comment in the page either.
  • mickaelandrieu
    [quote="KostonConsulting, post: 1505572">Not getting the copyright symbol when doing my testing on Perhaps you should try switching to JSON output and seeing if you still get the added characters. JSON output doesn't put the unnecessary footer comment in the page either.
    Hi, thank you for device hut I'm experimenting the same issue with json output. "array" and "simple_xml" output returns null (in my opinion, because the string returned is not a correct xml). I edit my precedent post to complete my feedback. Regards,
  • mickaelandrieu
    Hmm, sorry for my bad english. I want to say "advice" and I can't edit my precedents posts (or I don't know how to do) :D Sincerely,
  • KostonConsulting
    Not getting the same thing over here so it's possible that something is going wrong on the server. You may want to check /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log for any errors and I'd recommend opening a support ticket as this doesn't appear to be happening on other 11.40.19 servers. Here's my test: password_auth("root",'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); $xmlapi->set_output('json'); echo $xmlapi->version(); die; ?>
    $ php version_check.php {"version":""} [COLOR="silver">- - - Updated - - - [quote="mickaelandrieu, post: 1505751">Hmm, sorry for my bad english. I want to say "advice" and I can't edit my precedents posts (or I don't know how to do) :D Sincerely,
    No problem. There should be a button labelled 'Edit Post' with a picture of a pencil that allows you to edit your previous posts.
  • mickaelandrieu
    I have and very weird issue in my error_log: Multiple "[quant,_1," Multiple "[quant,_1," Multiple "[quant,_1," Multiple "[ iling variable in output,url: [output,url,_1,cPanel DNSONLY,_2,_3] Multiple "[quant,_1," The number of arguments to quant (3 in [quant,_1,Result,R Multiple "[quant,_1,"
    Any idea ? PS: I actualy don't have "Post Button" so I will be more focused on when I write ;)

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