[Resolved] warn [whostmgr5] program "filename" is not executable at
I am new to hooks...
I have created a test script and have registered it OK:
The script has the following attributes: [QUOTE]-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 365 Nov 28 21:11 createWordpress.php*
My simple test code looks like this: [PHP]#!/usr/bin/php 'Whostmgr', 'function' => 'Accounts::Create', 'stage' => 'post', 'hook' => 'createWordpress.php', ), ); if ( in_array('--describe', $argv) ) { print json_encode($describe); exit(); } function hook() { error_log("Hello"); return TRUE; } ?>[/PHP] I am getting the following error in the error log:
I need help. Why is my script not executing? By the way the data that I cut out at the locations looks like real data from the account creation process.,
stage: post
escalateprivs: 0
weight: 100
id: JAJ7sd3tZSYHqroB0nap3iXw
exectype: script
hook: createWordpress.php
The script has the following attributes: [QUOTE]-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 365 Nov 28 21:11 createWordpress.php*
My simple test code looks like this: [PHP]#!/usr/bin/php 'Whostmgr', 'function' => 'Accounts::Create', 'stage' => 'post', 'hook' => 'createWordpress.php', ), ); if ( in_array('--describe', $argv) ) { print json_encode($describe); exit(); } function hook() { error_log("Hello"); return TRUE; } ?>[/PHP] I am getting the following error in the error log:
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] ---debug_hooks---
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] msg: Beginning execution of script hook.
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] context: Whostmgr::Accounts::Create
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] stage: post
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] point: main
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] id: JAJ7sd3tZSYHqroB0nap3iXw
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] hook: createWordpress.php
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] escalateprivs: 0
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] weight: 100
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] data: { }
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] warn [whostmgr5] program "createWordpress.php" is not executable at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Hooks.pm line 199
Cpanel::Hooks::exec_script('main', HASH(0x10080810), HASH(0x101b3a30), HASH(0x25e8d90)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Hooks.pm line 112
Cpanel::Hooks::exec_hook('main', HASH(0x10080810), HASH(0x101b3a30), HASH(0x25e8d90)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Hooks.pm line 53
eval {...} called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Hooks.pm line 48
Cpanel::Hooks::hook(HASH(0x101b3a30), HASH(0x25e8d90)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1583
Whostmgr::Accounts::Create::_wwwacct( ) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 1953
Whostmgr::Accounts::Create::__createaccount( ) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Accounts/Create.pm line 2004
Whostmgr::Accounts::Create::_createaccount( ) called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr5 line 609
main::wwwacct() called at whostmgr/bin/whostmgr5 line 233
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] HOOK INFO: hook createWordpress.php did not output any data
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] ---debug_hooks---
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] msg: Finished execution of script hook.
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] context: Whostmgr::Accounts::Create
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] stage: post
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] result: 1
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] point: main
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] id: JAJ7sd3tZSYHqroB0nap3iXw
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] hook: createWordpress.php
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] escalateprivs: 0
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] weight: 100
[2013-11-28 21:12:29 -0600] info [whostmgr5] data: }
I need help. Why is my script not executing? By the way the data that I cut out at the locations looks like real data from the account creation process.,
re: [Resolved] warn [whostmgr5] program "filename" is not executable at You need to put the full path to the script, not just the name here: $describe = array( array( 'namespace' => 'Whostmgr', 'function' => 'Accounts::Create', 'stage' => 'post', 'hook' => '/full/path/to/createWordpress.php', ), );
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