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problem with database username after moving sites



  • iLinux85
    i found that database usernames saved in /var/cpanel/database and /var/cpanel/datastore where i can find the information about database username in the backup and restore it manually ?
  • quietFinn
    [quote="iLinux85, post: 1521732">hello after moving sites from old server to new server i cannot find the usernames, how can i recreate or show the database username already exist and assigned to database name
    The database(s) and username(s) can be seen in accounts's cPanel.
  • iLinux85
    the problem is i moved mysql only from /var/lib/mysql to another server but the database's users not moved, i want to know is there anyway to recreate it again automatic from backup files i have would be great
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello :) The method you used to manually transfer the databases is not recommended or supported. The database usernames and databases should have been included in the account backup archives. Do you have the backup archives of the accounts from the source server? Is the source server still active? Thank you.

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