[Case 85225] The eth0 IP shown is the IP of my gateway, not the shared main IP..
Upgraded from 11.38 to 11.40, and I find this one:
If I enter at "Show or Delete Current IP Addresses", the eth0 IP is the IP of my gateway, in other words, if "ip route show", the default IP to route traffic....
So If I enter at "Show IP Address Usage", the IP listed are the real server IPs, the main shared and two dedicated IPs...
This is causing problems to me, since I use the server IPs at some hooks.
Why does Cpanel understand its main eth0 IP is the gateway IP????? this is not real!
I am not using NAT.. the /var/cpanel/cpnat file does not exist, neither.
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This happens at two machines upgraded from 11.38 to 11.40... both of them shows the eth0 IP as the gateway IP, not the real IP from the eth0 interface....
I have a third cpanel at 11.38, and this not happens...
Hello :) I believe there is an internal case open to address this issue. Could you verify if the gateway IP address is in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 file? Thank you. 0 -
Thanks!!! I needed to: - removed route-eth0 (only neccessary for static routes) - added gateway IP to /sysconfig/network file - removed SCOPE entry at ifcfg-ethX files (not neccessary for me, also) Then cpanel brings the correct IP. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! :D pd: needed some help at support... there is a case opened for this one. 0 -
Internal case 85225 is open to address this issue. It's awaiting input from our development team at this time. I will update this thread with more information as it becomes available. Thank you. 0 -
To update, a resolution for case 85225 is scheduled for inclusion in a future build of cPanel version 11.40. Please monitor our change log for it's inclusion: cPanel 11.40 Change Log Note: You can already find this resolution in the development build for cPanel version 11.42, currently available in the "Edge" build tier. Thank you. 0
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